Several times, whether in weblogs on on social(ist) media, reviews of spurious books and things have been presented that are useful in addition to what is being reviewed. In cases like the one featured below, the book is irrelevant and the rest of the article takes on theistic evolution (TE). As I have stated several times, I think most TEs profess to be Christians but are actually Deists. They show disdain for the Bible. A sanitized version of evolution is presented and its flaws are omitted. For some reason they want an atheistic philosophy to supercede Scriptural authority. Jesus statue facepalm, Pixabay / Hans_Hofer A Timeline of Origins—Toward Better Integration of the Bible and Science by Michael Russell is something I don't want to waste my time with thanks to the review. Interestingly, Russell uses the Genesis Flood as the way God brought Noah from the other world to this one. So, integrating the Bible and science means fiction presented as — what? Theology? Apparen...
Articles and links on biblical creation, evangelism, the Bible and apologetics.