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Showing posts with the label Environment

Modern Pagans Worship the Earth Goddess

Names like Mother Earth  or Mother Nature  stem from worship of the goddess Gaia (or Terra), and radical environmentalists are enthusiastically participating. These acts of worship are entirely manufactured by leftists seeking political power and control. Reducing your "carbon footprint" and other things only exist in the imaginations of modern paganism. Indeed, any kind of idolatry is based on imagination and pretending a false deity has desires. It is interesting that Mother Earth must be appeased when she "righteously" uses acts of nature to kill many people, but many environmentalists hate God and blame him. Socha Gaia, Wikimedia Commons / V.odchazel ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) One excuse for denying God his rightful worship is that he makes too many demands, but the modern invention of Gaia is demanding and capricious. Aside from the fact that God made rules for his glory but also our benefit, he also wants us to be stewards of creation: Take care of the earth, subdue an...

Gardens, Rewilding, and the Dominion Mandate

Gardens. Many people make gardening a major hobby, spending hours in them, weeding, pruning, planting, and doing all sorts of things to gussie them up. The results can be quite impressive. Then some folks do just enough to keep their small patch going. People who read classic (in this case, old) literature, they have probably noticed gardens being mentioned or even playing significant parts in the stories. If you study on it, you should remember that gardens were in the Bible. The first was Genesis 2:8 when God planted a garden in  Eden. Church garden, RGBStock / Adrian van Leen Biblical creationists talk about the dominion mandate , which is when God told mankind to subdue and rule over the earth as stewards. That means we take care of it for its benefit , not exploit or run roughshod over it. Environmental extremists have an evolutionary view that makes Earth more important than humanity. One approach is rewilding , which is essentially to just l et everything go and have nature ...

Evolutionism and Earth Goddess Worship

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Evolution is not simply a biological hypothesis, but is actually an ancient pagan belief presented as science. Indeed, when the Apostle Paul was debating with philosophers in Acts 17:16-34, those Epicureans in Acts 18:18 were pagan evolutionists. If you commence to doing some reference digging, you will find that evolutionary beliefs can be seen in ancient Hindu beliefs. Did you ever notice that much of paganism is based on goddess worship? Gaea  (another spelling of Gaia) by Anselm Feuerbach, 1875 You hear the expression "Mother Earth", right? People usually who use the term are generally ignorant of its pagan origins and associations . Same as referring to Earth as Terra (standing on terra firma, the earth) , which is the Roman counterpart for the Greek Gaia  (or Gaea). The enviornmental movement is, at its core, essentially based on evolution and the rejection of our Creator. While there are good points in the environmental movement, ...

Real Reasons to Care about the Environment

Many of us see and hear about caring for the environment, please recycle, do not litter, watch your water usage, and so on. Nowadays, it seems that most people have a semblance of concern for nature and the environment as a whole, but it wasn't so long ago that stupid and greedy people were forced to stop polluting through legislation and fines. Of course, there are those who have evolutionary and socialist viewpoints upon which they base their interest for the environment. Some are muy loco en la cabeza , seeing humans as a plague on Earth and want to see us killed off ! Credit: Wikimedia Commons / javajoe6 / CC BY-SA 3.0 We can agree with evolutionists that this planet is all we have, and we'd best be taking care of it. But the motivation of Christians is mighty different. We are created in God's image (Genesis 1:27), and Earth was created to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18). Earth was not created for us to act like polecats and trash the place. After all, it was not on...