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Showing posts with the label Cowboy

A Cowboy Bible?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Edited August 17, 2024 Before I get going on this, I'd better clarify something, even though many of my regular readers (and podcast interview listeners) know: my "cowboy" moniker is not earned. It's a nickname I picked up a few years ago, and it shows my cowboy attitude. I don't know nothin' 'bout no hayburners; tell me to saddle up a horse and ride, I'd probably get kicked, fall off, and land in poo. So, I need a guide. Yes, I lived in the West — the west side of Michigan. Anyway, being a cowboy at heart has helped me get things done. My father had a cowboy attitude as well, which is something I learned from testimonials at his funeral. Anyway, adding some Western-style lingo in posts and articles adds color and personality, I reckon, even though I usually have a conversational style for the most part. Assembled from components at Clker Clip Art A while back, I was looking for cowboy Bibles and came across the " ...

Out There Ridin' Fences

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is going to be an odd analogy between hardworking, loyal cowboys and people involved in ministries. The "golden age" of cowboys and the great cattle drives only lasted about twenty years, but quickly became the stuff of many television shows, books, movies and so on. However, cowboys still exist. (While some ignorant people use the word as a pejorative, cowboys then and now were known for hard work and loyalty .) There are not many Westerns being made for television and movies any longer (except for ultra-violent and "adult" shows, it seems), but the image of the loyal cowboy that puts in long hours and does often dangerous work lives on — and cowboys still exist . Roundup on the Cimarron, 1898, Library of Congress A duty in farming and especially in ranching is to "ride the fences". The cowboy rides the fence perimeter to look for damage (which may mean thieves breaking it down to make off with livestock...