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Showing posts with the label Institute for Creation Research

Why Compromising on Long Ages Matters

Once again, I was woolgathering while riding. Out Folly Road, past Stinking Lake (not as bad as it sounds), and I decided to head on back. Of a sudden, I noticed a horse under a tree. Heading closer, I saw Lisa Myworries, the Winkie Guards supervisor at the Darwin Ranch sitting there. She beckoned me over and said she needed to talk. Although the Darwin Ranch up yonder by Deception Pass is infested with atheists, she believed in God. Recent creation in six days bothered her. Lisa wondered why biblical creationists have a problem with long ages. The idea of the early chapters of Genesis actually being allegorical or symbolizing long ages is understandable when coming from new Christians, sincerely-questioning unbelievers, and people who have not really thought about the ramifications before. When professing Christians who claim to believe the Bible try to force millions of years into Scripture and compromise with secular concepts, that's a very different matter. Lisa and I had a nic...

Blessings and Evidence of the Creator

Recently on X, the service formerly known  as Twitter, I had to deal with vituperation from angry atheists for some of my posts that pointed out flaws in evolution and supported creation science. Such things are expected and common, but seem to be increasing lately. Misotheists seem to have limited original thought, instead using rhetoric and attacks that are common to their group. Instead of dealing with the subject matter, they attack the person who posted it or the authors of the linked material. Then they fustigate the Bible while demanding proof of God's existence. Hedge bindweed photo by Cowboy Bob Sorensen, modified at PhotoFunia There are honest inquirers and there are mockers, and I'll allow that sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference. My guideline is that if someone is blasphemous from the get-go, there's no need to waste time on evidence; evidence is for believers . When I realize I'm being played, I move on. More importantly, evidence for God an...

Why we Appreciate Beauty

We admire things in nature such as a sunset, galloping horses, gorgeous fishes, and much more. Many things inspire a sense of awe  — which is something animals are incapable of having. Some folks find beauty in the orderliness and intricacies of mathematics. There are several reasons that we appreciate beauty. One is that it is a gift of our Creator, who gave us many things to help us survive and thrive. Not only survive, but to make our journeys more peasant. Creation itself testifies of God (Rom. 1:18). Forest Morning, RGBStock / Alex Bruda It may surprise some people, but this is a wrecked world! That's right, it's beauty before the Genesis Flood is probably beyond imagining. Even so, God made it so that even after the devastation of the Flood, the world would still be filled with tremendous beauty. Such splendor is a part of God's own nature, and we are created in his image, so we appreciate it as well. Have you ever wondered why a sunset on a beach is captivating, sno...

The New Creation of the World

People have been fascinated by ideas about the end of the world almost since it began — maybe Adam and Eve speculated on the subject. People lived for decades in terror of nuclear annihilation, and that specter looms again. NASA tells us why the Mayan prophecy of 2012 was wrong, but they  are incorrect because they speak from a naturalistic paradigm. Some consult the vague stuff of Nostradamus and various fortune tellers, others expect a giant rock from space. All wrong. The world will  end, but not in any way these folks expect. End of the World, Pixabay / Geralt (Gerd Altmann) When people say that the Genesis Flood is just an allegory, point out that Peter referred to the Flood as real when he wrote about the coming Big Bang at the end of the world in 2 Peter 3:5-10. Also, Jesus likened the end to the Flood in Matthew 24:37-39. There is a Judgment coming, and people need to be ready. There are people who think that perhaps the world will not be destroyed and remade, but mo...

Faith in Evolution from Nothing, or in Creation from Nothing?

Misotheists and other evolutionists ridicule Bible-believing Christians for saying that God created the universe out of nothing. It is common for them to say that we believe in magic, using a definition of that word that appears to support their charge. However, materialists believe that the universe came from nothing. This is not empirical science even though some cosmogonists claim that it is entirely scientific. Not only do their  views fit the same accusation of magic leveled against us, but they disingenuously redefine nothing  to mean...well, something that is not nothing. Stargazing silhouettes, Pexels / Kendall Hoopes Some Christian compromisers add to the Word of God, inserting the pagan idea that God created everything by using existing materials. Interesting that unbelievers also have nothing but is really something that created the universe. You  can be a part of  Question Evolution Day , no charge, no sign-up! The fact is that God created ex nihilo , whi...

Biblical Interpretation and Proper Context

When dealing with professing atheists and other religious groups, we expect them to take passages of the Bible out of context. These things can often be refuted quickly by examining the larger context. Sometimes it may require digging into the contexts of history, culture, language, and so on, but not always. (Indeed, most alleged contradictions in the Bible that were refuted by Veritas Domain were based on context tampering.) Some atheists object to our pointing out how they take things out of context, but it happens a great deal. Genesis and reading glasses, FreeDigitalPhotos / Janaka Dharmasena Christians tamper with the context as well. Those who actually believe the Bible probably do not do this intentionally, but it can easily happen. Especially when someone is teaching and mislead his hearers. (James 3:1 has a warning for teachers of God's Word — I reckon those who use bad hermeneutics make the Bible about us are in big trouble.) We should ride up on the hill for the bigger...

Training for Spiritual Warfare

No, this is not one of those posts about singing feelgood songs and chanting, or "binding" demons hiding under every bush. Stay away from that stuff. This is about a fact that I bring up here every once in a while since this weblog began in 2011. (Originally, it was "A Soldier for Jesus.") We are in a spiritual war. We do not have to go looking for trouble, it comes for us. Satan wants Christians eliminated or at least neutralized. Those who want no part of the spiritual warfare that we are in every day  are actually doing service for the enemy. Whoever is not for  Jesus is against  him. Soldiers, Pixabay / Defence-Imagery "But Cowboy Bob, if I speak up, atheists and others will say mean things and hurt my feelings!" Cowboy up, little buckaroo, and decide whose side you're on (Luke 9:62). Jesus died on a cross for your sins and rose again on the third day, and a Christian is no longer an enemy of God but adopted as one of his children, indwelt with the...

Restoring the Image of God in Humanity

A basic principle of Christianity is that humanity was created imago Dei , in the image of God. This is contrary to the concept of dust-to-Darwin evolution, where we are the products of time, chance, natural selection, mutations, and luck. For them, we are nothing special. Just another animal. We often do not show that we are created in the image of God, and evolutionists may use our current state to reject the truth of the Bible. Something clearly happened after Genesis 1:27. Night silhouette under stars, Unsplash / Greg Rakozy Adam and Eve were exploring, enjoying, and doing other newly-created beings stuff. Then in Genesis 3:1-17, that sidewinder Satan decided to foul things up. After all, we are God's masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10), and he hates that. The Christian worldview holds that people are image-bearers of God, worthy of dignity and respect. This is one reason abortion is abhorrent . Eve took the fruit, gave to Adam who was with her , and all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and ...

God Did Not Use Death to Create

There are some professing Christians that believe God used evolution for his method of creation, but that view is fundamentally flawed. If you study on it, one simple problem with that idea is how we react to suffering and death. While we know that everyone eventually dies, we are not passive about it. Credit: Freeimages /  V Fouche From the standpoint of atheistic naturalism, there is no hope. As I have stated before, my oldest brother had Down Syndrome. He lived much longer than expected, finally passing away at age 64. My father had dementia, Alzheimer's, and (I think) Parkinson's, and didn't know who I was — or who he was — at the end. Not too long after he died, my mother was taken by a malignant glioma. There are many other people I could mention who have lost loved ones and even suffer under conditions right now. However, we have that hope based on promises in the Bible for a grand reunion when everyone will be whole again. According to Scripture, death is an enemy ...

Courage is Necessary for Christians

Ask around, and people have many definitions for courage. Some folks have the mistaken notion that courage  includes doing something reckless. "Yep, took lots of courage to try to jump that active volcano with a bicycle." No, that is stupidity.  Bravery  is often used synonymously with courage, but  there are differences . A person can be courageous and scared silly, but doing what is right is more important than giving in to fear.  Christians need to cowboy up and show courage, standing up for the truth. Pixabay / Bruce Courage is an act of will. There are people who are vainglorious, but the truth is revealed when danger falls from a tree, they turn their backs and bravely flee. Other times, some people are surprising when they show courage in the face of danger. What dangers do biblical creationists face? In Western countries, it is mostly fear of ridicule from unbelievers. They should ask themselves if enemies of God are people from whom they want admiration...

William Lane Craig: Denying Biblical Truth?

Long ago when I was first becoming serious about apologetics, I followed Dr. Craig. While he could easily dismantle atheism, some things made me uneasy. When it came to ridiculing biblical creationists , I was done. Later, I learned of his belief in molinism  and  dancing around biblical inerrancy . Craig has been garnering attention with his book  In Quest of the Historical Adam , where he bushwhacks not only biblical creationists, but foundational beliefs in Scripture. He has clearly saddled up to ride with the fifth column of theistic evolution and rejection of biblical authority. Unsplash / Aaron Burden (modified) Of course, Craig is not stupid or inexperienced, which makes the downward spiral of his material all the more execrable. Several creationists have analyzed his book and pointed out serious errors in reasoning, and revealing his disdain for the Bible. By my reckoning, to say that Adam was not real when Jesus, Paul, and others in the Bible said he was was, an...

A Creation Apologetics Pickle Analogy

This is a title I never thought I would use. A recent post on Twitter asked what you would say to a stranger on the street, but that is not usually the best approach. When it comes to apologetics, Christians and creationists who are informed on their subjects use analogies and other things as springboards. Indeed, I have referred to Stargate SG-1 , and used Star Trek:TNG  as inspirations for creation articles. Augustine probably never made a pickle analogy (apologies to  Pietro Perugino ) Sometimes when watching a show, I will remark to my wife about how something we are seeing was designed by our Creator. In conversations, people like to have something in common or relatable. The discussion can move into more important subjects. I was surprised that a kosher dill pickle can be used to make four points about creation and in evangelism. Food, even dill pickles, can provide relevant insights for creation apologetics. Since November 14th is National Pickle Day, this is a goo...

The Gospel Cannot Be Eradicated

The Bible has been restricted and even illegal in many countries , especially those controlled by atheists or Islamists. China and North Korea have state atheism, as did the former Soviet Union and other communist countries. Obtaining a Bible in many Mohammedan countries is done through covert means. Christian persecution is increasing in the West. There are several reasons for this, including apathetic professing Christians, trends in the world, and allowing ourselves to be kept in a box. Militant atheists are increasingly vitriolic in their efforts to legislate (and ridicule) Bible-believing Christians. Unsplash / James Coleman Romania is one of the places that was in the Soviet bloc, so naturally they pushed evolution and atheism. Richard Wurmbrand was an atheist, became a Christian and a pastor, then was heavily persecuted for his faith. In his 1967 book Tortured for Christ , he wrote: The cruelty of atheism is hard to believe. When a man has no faith in the reward of good or the ...

Faith in a Universe from Nothing

As Christians, we freely admit that we walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7), and that it is impossible to please God without it (Heb. 11:6). Despite the claims of mockers, faith is not believing in something that is not true. The Bible is self-attesting, and our faith is supported by evidence. Ironically, materialists believe everything came from nothing. Credit: Pexels /  Ave Calvar Martinez Professing atheists frequently object that they do not believe everything came from nothing. In fact, I have provided this link  (as well as the quotes from it), but instead of admitting the truth, it was met with ridicule. Some secularists realize the foolishness of their claims, so they deal from the bottom of the deck and claim that nothing  means something else . The faith of atheists is absurd and based on rebellion against the God they know exists (Rom. 1:18-23). They believe everything came from nothing, life on Earth originated with rocks ( here is an interesting link about that ), pro...

Bad Science, Bad Theology, and Grasshoppers

Unbelievers often look for any excuse to mock the Bible, thinking that if they can find a meaningful error, the entire Bible is wrong. (That is the fallacy of composition.) One of these alleged errors is when Moses wrote that grasshoppers were four-legged insects. Waitaminnit! Credit: Unsplash / Natália Dudás Scoffers as well as honest enquirers find something that seems wrong at first glance, but resourceful people tend to dig deeper instead of using superficial readings to "settle" the matter. (Skeptics try to find alleged contradictions, but those are easily dispatched .) Sometimes it's a matter of the scoffer misquoting a verse. We have frequently considered context  here, and there are several ways consider that: The immediate  context of the verses above and below the one in questions Larger context, including chapters Context including other books of the Bible Historical and cultural contexts Linguistic context Science (some owlhoots have complained about the Bible...

Sinkholes in Christian Life Foundations

This post will have some informative material before moving on to more serious matters, and I enjoyed putting it together. While there is a similarity between potholes and sinkholes, the two should not be confused — even though the potholes New York, Michigan, and other places can probably be seen from the International Space Station. Cover-collapse sinkhole in limestone near Frederick, MD Image credit: US Geological Survey / Randall Orndorff (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Sinkholes vary in size and are found worldwide, but most often in areas where the water remains below the surface and erodes underlying rock. The process is usually gradual and may not be noticed for a long time. Eventually, they collapse, such as the one on Washington Street in Kingston, NY  — which troubled residents for five years . They can also occur quickly due to factors like when a water main breaks , heavy rainfall, and others. Let's talk about the power of water for a bit, wh...

Rejecting Lies and Herd Mentality

Many people who claim to "follow the science" really do not. Appeals to authority linked with lack of critical thinking, plus ignorance of actual science, are disastrous to societies as well as individuals. Culturally correct, consensus, and "woke" views actually dismiss scientific realities in favor of political trends and emotionalism. Taking a stand for truth and reality can be hazardous to careers — and even personal safety. Credit: Pixnio / Rachel Claire (slightly modified) Darwin's hijacked version of natural selection as well as neo-Darwinian evolution are thrown around as if they were established truth. We are bombarded with the "fact" of evolution, and assertions are often subtle. Most people go along with the herd and accept what is presented as science. What is more disturbing is that in recent years, secular scientists have been saddling up and riding with deviant behavior. Considering how the formerly United States is under divine judgmen...

Proof and the Unbeliever

There are times when a mocker will say something like, "Prove to me your God exists". A Christian may ask, "What kind of evidence are you willing to consider?", which is a reasonable question. (One actually told me to provide it, then he would consider if it was acceptable. I knew where that would lead!) Unbelievers already have all the evidence they need, but they suppress the truth (Rom. 1:18-23). Credit: We can present all the evidence (or proof) we can, and if someone does not repent and make Jesus the Lord of his or her life, we may think that we've failed. But our job is to sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts and be ready to make a defense of our hope (1 Peter 3:15), and salvation comes through the working of the Holy Spirit, not because of our skill and eloquence (1 Cor. 2:1-5). Considering how many Christians get uppity because they have the One True Interpretation of Scripture™, perhaps pride is one reason that God has not mad...

God Continues Creating

The immediate reaction from some people would be that God stopped his creation work, as stated in Gen. 2:2, Ex. 20:11 and 31:17. It may be surprising to learn that God is still creating today, but in a different way than he did in the beginning. Credit: Photos Public Domain This is not like some owlhoots who say God is still creating today through theistic evolution. No, he didn't transform a pre-Adamite group of subhumans by giving them souls in a mangled metaphor of Genesis. There are certain acts of creation that are still happening today. God created both man and animals with  nephesh , which means life or soul (see " Brain and Body are not the Soul " for more in-depth material that also refutes naturalistic claims). He is not creating new stuff like he did during creation week, but makes some things out what already exists. Then there's the news in 2 Cor. 5:17 that is so important to Christians. But didn’t God rest from His creation work on Day Seven? The correc...

Believing Despite Evidence for an Old Earth?

While some areas of the Bible are subject to differing interpretations and even disputes, I reckon we can agree that our understanding is the problem; God is not a deceiver. While we walk by faith and not by sight, we are not conflicted by evidence. Credit: Pixnio / Maysam Yabandeh To quote the great theologian Chico Marx, "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" Except in cases of obvious miracles, the Bible does not contain claims that are not contravened by observed scientific facts. Yet some people think the earth appears  to be old but through some kind of fideism , they believe the Bible anyway.  Yes, we need to cling to the inerrancy and authority of Scripture, but we don't need to rustle up a conflict where none exists. When someone says that the earth "looks old", what is their point of reference? The so-called scientific evidence for deep time is fraught with problems and is inferred — nobody knows  the age of a planet to use for comparison purpos...