DOVELAND, WISCONSIN — Local creationist Jonathan J. Johnson has been on various platforms for several years, mainly to argue with atheists about the existence of God. He gets really excited when the subject invariably turns to evolution because, he says, it is his strong suit. "I've studied creation science for years. Look at all the books and videos!" he exclaimed, gesturing to his bookcase. "Also, I follow creation ministries and stuff." When asked how many he watched or read, he said, "Atheist spout off and I let them have it!" New year 2025, Pixabay / Alexandra Koch "I really like memes, short sayings, captioned pictures and stuff, but articles and videos, not so much." He said all that changed when he dealt with more knowledgeable atheists and, as predicted, "had is clock cleaned." Jonathan added, "It was a wake-up call. I wasn't really prepared after all and got verbally slapped down. That, and a sermon I just heard ...
Articles and links on biblical creation, evangelism, the Bible and apologetics.