by Cowboy Bob Sorensen They Say Compromise Is Good A few months back, I getting dissatisfied with the church I was attending, and wanted to saddle up and find another church in the Kingston, New York area. Not very promising, since there are polar opposites: emotionally-driven gatherings, and the traditional liberal outfits. Those who actually believe the Bible and can give proper exegesis are difficult to find around here. One church had some standard fare in their statement of faith (including the inerrancy of Scripture, which is very important), and I reckoned that I could get along with that. But not a peep about creation. I sent them an e-mail inquiring about their position on it. The response was disappointing, saying that creation was an unimportant side issue, and anyway, the Framework Hypothesis was just fine for that pastor. Not hardly! The Framework Hypothesis is a compromise position where Genesis does not mean what it says [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] . His church claim
Articles and links on biblical creation, evangelism, the Bible and apologetics.