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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Seventy Weeks Prophecies

Prophecy is an important and prominent component of the Bible , and many of them were specifically and rather dramatically fulfilled already. Others are yet to happen. Many Christians are heavily involved in eschatology (end-times prophecies), and it is a fascinating subject. I'll allow that it's mighty confusing at times, however, and it is not my strongest subject. There are several different viewpoints that I will not go into here, but I'll let you know that I lean toward what is often called the Premillennial view, as I believe its proponents make the most compelling case. Credit: Pixabay / StockSnap I think one reason that there is different schools of thought on prophecy is that God has his own reasons for making some things hidden. Prophecies about Jesus were not known during his earthly ministry, and the fulfillments were not recognized until after his Resurrection. Also, God does not do things according to our demands. Add to this that we need to look at the

The Dishonesty of Evolutionary Creationism

A few years back, some atheists wanted to change their name because of the negative connotations associated with the word atheist.  One suggested term was "brights", which is fallacious because it implies that they are smarter than everyone else because they choose to reject God. That kind of whitewash will not fool people, since the negative connotations have been earned, what with the protests, persecution of Christians, trolling, and generally negative attitudes in general. Some tips given for mental health and to reduce depression is to stay away from negative people. I suggest that folks start with avoiding internet atheists. Similarly, theistic evolutionists have a deserved bad image because they prefer the magisterial view of secular science philosophies to the written Word of God. It's like they have their evolutionism wagon and slap a sign on the back saying "God used evolution", and that somehow validates their views. TEs often saddle up with the

The Dangers of Rebellion

Those of us involved in Christian apologetics ministries are familiar with how atheists, other unbelievers, apostate "Christians" and others are in rebellion against God (see Romans 1:18-23). Rebellion is glorified in today's culture. However, God warns his people all through Scripture about rebellion. Indeed, God likens it to divination and witchcraft (1 Sam. 15:22-23)! Note that the Bible never condones rebellion. The Judgement of Korah, Dathan and Abiram , Maria Hadfield Cosway, 1801 How many rebellions, large or small, begin with grumbling to one another? We are warned against that, too (Prov. 11:13, Jer. 6:28, 2 Cor. 12:20). Not only does such grumbling help produce a rebellious spirit, but it shows lack of Christian love for one another. Grumblers recruit one another and the whole thing escalates, then there is discontent in the church. I have to mention that, if you study on it, adding to God's Word is an act of rebellion. God don't cotton none to

Traits of False Teachers

Christians who are grounded in the Word, make an effort to know true doctrine, and pay attention to good teaching are most likely to spot owlhoots who want to lead people on a bad trail. Nominal Christians are at a greater risk of being swayed by false teachers. However, both kinds of professing believers need to be wary of the tactics of these types so they can avoid deception. The Preacher , George Harvey, 1840 Sure, a teacher can read text from the Bible, but many will use that as a springboard for interpretations and opinions that are not justified. Some will make disparaging remarks about the first eleven chapters of Genesis, which contain the basis of all major doctrines. Then they commence to insert long ages, evolution, current trends of social justice, homosexual marriage, and other aberrations. They may even cite "authorities" who base their views on other authorities, further and further from what God's Word actually says, and people end up being fed lie