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Showing posts with the label Anger

Touchy-Feely Jesus 2: The Sequel

Yes, I know. Lousy title. I just wanted you to know that I blundered across something that makes a good follow-up to an article I did on this subject a while ago . It seems that we have made an image of Jesus to fit a "niceness" image that we have created. Why? To make Jesus more palatable? I pointed out that he was not always Mr. Nice Guy. I see I'm not the only one who sees a difference between what has been presented, and the real Jesus. Don't get me wrong! There is truth to the kind, gentle Jesus (Matt.11.28-30). But this truth is out of balance, because he is also the righteous judge that we will face some day. Anyway, this video... About two minutes into it, I perked up because he was saying something similar to what I had said. Hope you like it!

Good Old Touchy-Feely Jesus

An article was posted elsewhere about how Jesus used some rather harsh words. There are people who have an unscriptural view of Jesus that I detest: Wimpy. That comes from a preference-based view of love. Jesus is God incarnate (and, therefore, love incarnate), so how should he act? Perhaps it depends on your definition of "love". For that matter, your definition may differ from mine, and both of us may differ from a child's definition. If you grab Junior to stop him from wandering into a busy street and then give him a stern warning, he may say that you do not love him because you restrained him, got his attention and spoiled his fun. You expressed love with your words and actions, even though they seemed harsh to the child. He will understand, eventually. But at the moment, it seems unkind and unfair. Jesus was not always Mr. Nice Guy. He expressed righteous anger, spoke harshly and even acted physically (for example, John 2.15-16). People who are not all that familiar...