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Showing posts with the label Creation Sunday

Fighting for Question Evolution Day 5

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Once again, I had the privilege of being interviewed on Fighting for the Faith by Pastor Chris Rosebrough of Pirate Christian Radio , and we not only had a good discussion on creation, evolution, Question Evolution Day, the folly of theistic evolution, and theology, but we also had some fun with it. He said he asked me back. Although after last year's interview he said he'd have me back, but I wonder how much of it is because I "reminded" him of it a few times. Hearing this back, I realize that really need to get a new microphone. I had a passel of notes ready to go, but only used some of them. It's just as well, I had the bit in my teeth and Chris had to say whoa more than once. (The reporter I had a phone interview with the other day also found out that I like to talk on these subjects, that went for an hour.) I had some references that his regular listeners will catch, plus a couple of Monty Python remarks. Pastor Rosebrough clarif...

Creation Sunday — Why Do Anti-Creationists Scream So Loudly?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Today is Creation Sunday . It was created in response to misleading atheist Michael Zimmerman 's call to apostasy called the " Clergy Letter Project ". Creation Sunday is an effort to get Bible-believing Christians to take a stand for the truth, and to educate themselves on the importance of Genesis as well as how science supports creation and refutes evolution. Why is it that those owlhoots feel the need to slap leather with those of us who believe the Bible, to recruit compromisers, and to evangelize for atheism? You'd think that they'd be content to be "right" in their own eyes (Psalm 14:1) and their rejection of God, even though they know he exists (Romans 1:18-23). They insist that we're "wrong", but they have to protect "science" (fallaciously equivocating "evolution" with "science"), and are not content to leave us alone, nor show a modicum of respect for people who believ...

Evolution, Compromise and Foundations

It is more important than ever for Bible-believing Christian churches to take a stand for the truth. When compromise sets in, it begins a domino effect that leads to further compromise and even to unbelief. Liberal churches and atheists are attacking us at our foundations, which begin at Genesis . Further, they appeal to emotion with loaded terminology and the false dichotomy that people must choose either faith or "science". This is a lie . (I have written before that even if we gave up the creation accounts, that would not be enough for liberals and atheists.) The church is in serious trouble, and people's faith is threatened because they do not see the relevance of their foundations, and do not bother to discover that there are indeed answers to those science philosophy questions. This weekend, atheist Dr. Michael Zimmerman is once again encouraging churches to preach Darwin from their pulpits. He claims that his Clergy Letter Project, signed by over 12,0...