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Showing posts with the label Faith

Scary Monsters and the Christian

It was almost time for bed, and I was laying out what I would need for the next day. Of a sudden, there was a rapping at my door. I opened it cautiously, then flung it wide as Stormie Waters and her fiancé Roland Meadows hurried inside. They looked downright frightened. "We saw something. Some... thing  outside!" Stormie exclaimed. "Like nothing I've seen before. It gave me the willies!" Roland added. These two are not prone to flights of fancy and I was very interested. Stump in the sun with growth, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen (modified) They commenced to telling me about a large figure in the road ahead of them, and their horses were skittish. It seemed to turn and look at them with red eyes, then spread bat-like wings and flew away. Having heard similar tales and read historical reports, I shivered despite myself. People sure do like spooky stuff, don't they? This is being posted one week away from Halloween, a celebration of fear and death. And it se...

Backward Blessings?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  If someone says that becoming a Christian means life will be a happy road all the time, they are out of touch with reality. We have struggles like everybody else. (Christians who stand for the truth of God's Word often have additional problems.) There are times when inconveniences may actually be God at work on our behalf. There is a story circulating about a conversation between someone and God. Why did God allow such an annoying day to happen? Those annoyances were caused by him , but the person did not know it. Tires, Pixnio / Bicanski After suffering through the annoyance of a slow tire leak, I took the car to my wife's favorite service center. It took a while and cost over fifty  simoleons . Well, I am set up to go to an oral surgeon at Westchester Medical Center. It will be quick outpatient surgery, but under general anesthetic. That causes serious problems with transportation, but at least the leak problem is solved. It came back a few days later...

Faith in Evolution from Nothing, or in Creation from Nothing?

Misotheists and other evolutionists ridicule Bible-believing Christians for saying that God created the universe out of nothing. It is common for them to say that we believe in magic, using a definition of that word that appears to support their charge. However, materialists believe that the universe came from nothing. This is not empirical science even though some cosmogonists claim that it is entirely scientific. Not only do their  views fit the same accusation of magic leveled against us, but they disingenuously redefine nothing  to mean...well, something that is not nothing. Stargazing silhouettes, Pexels / Kendall Hoopes Some Christian compromisers add to the Word of God, inserting the pagan idea that God created everything by using existing materials. Interesting that unbelievers also have nothing but is really something that created the universe. You  can be a part of  Question Evolution Day , no charge, no sign-up! The fact is that God created ex nihilo , whi...

Faith in a Universe from Nothing

As Christians, we freely admit that we walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7), and that it is impossible to please God without it (Heb. 11:6). Despite the claims of mockers, faith is not believing in something that is not true. The Bible is self-attesting, and our faith is supported by evidence. Ironically, materialists believe everything came from nothing. Credit: Pexels /  Ave Calvar Martinez Professing atheists frequently object that they do not believe everything came from nothing. In fact, I have provided this link  (as well as the quotes from it), but instead of admitting the truth, it was met with ridicule. Some secularists realize the foolishness of their claims, so they deal from the bottom of the deck and claim that nothing  means something else . The faith of atheists is absurd and based on rebellion against the God they know exists (Rom. 1:18-23). They believe everything came from nothing, life on Earth originated with rocks ( here is an interesting link about that ), pro...

Trusting God in Apologetics

There are Christians who are excited about using apologetics to defend and present the faith, and there are others who think that is a job for experts. All Christians are commanded to present the faith (2 Cor. 10:5, Col. 4:5-6, 1 Peter 3:15, Acts 17:22-31), but some are called to be more intense with it. And "tense" can apply to many of us. Mostly made at The Keep-Calm-O-Matic  using an image from NASA (Usage of images does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone) It is indeed unfortunate that some are intent on winning arguments rather than helping the lost come to Christ. Similarly, we can expend mental energy trying to analyze (and sometimes rehash) situations so we can give the most devastating arguments. Yes, by all means, do the best you can. Sometimes we may feel that we botched it. That happens. However, convicting of sin and saving people is the work of the Holy Spirit; we do not do the saving. It is not up to our brilliance (1 Cor. 2:1-5), which can lead to...

Recognizing True and False Christians

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This may come as a shock to many professing Christians, but they may actually be lost. There are several ways that help determine if someone is a real Christian. However, many people urgently need to seriously determine if they really are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5). Credit: Unsplash / Joshua Earle Some assume they are Christians because of culture or because they are not members of another religion. Perhaps it's because they attend the "true" church, maybe perform the rituals, said the "sinner's prayer" and got their ticket punched, put their hands in the air and get emotional — but have no idea what salvation means and could not lead someone to saving faith in Jesus Christ. There are some people who are Christians but act like cultists . I have been told that if I don't believe in their  doctrines, I am an immature Christian, or even unsaved. Similarly, I was in a social media group for Christian apologists (which for...

Hominids and the Bible

Quite a few Christians are buffaloed by the claims of Darwinists who tell us that the parade of hominid ancestors is an accurate representation of evolution. Some Christians have tenuous faith and want the claims of evolutionists refuted. There are some very basic things that everyone should know. That parade is strictly imaginary. While anthropologists have assembled images from bones and such, they have mostly conjecture about the appearance of the apes and ancient humans — nor did they have any scientific reason to presume that our alleged ancestors became white Europeans to rule the world. The links are missing, but evolutionists use apes, imaginary creatures, and humans. Our faith is in the Word of God, not the atheistic interpretations based on naturalism. A recent survey showed that the most persuasive argument for evolution comes from the iconic drawing of the apes-to-man parade. This popular picture illustrates ape-like animals evolving into a human. If this image refle...

Reason and Faith

Something I emphasize that is very important is definitions , as regular readers of this site and especially Piltdown Superman have read. I have noticed an increase in the tactics of theological liberals, political leftists, climate change cultists , evolutionists, and atheists to make an assertion of a false definition and build illogical but passionate arguments from there. Here, we look at faith. Credit: Pixabay /  Orlando "Didn't you date Faith's sister, Cowboy Bob?" I did have a date that woman. I wanted to, though. Let's leave personal history aside and move on. Atheists essentially proclaim themselves as harbingers of reason. When pressed to give logical arguments, they proceed to produce logical fallacies by the bushel. Atheists and evolutionists insist on conflating science  with naturalism , then proclaiming that anything to do with God is not scientific. They also denigrate presuppositional apologetics where Christians have the Word of God as...

Jesus and the Mustard Seed

Among the many parables that Jesus told, one was about the mustard seed. He said that it was the "smallest" seed in Matthew 13:32, which atheists and anti-creationists attack by saying that there are other seeds which are smaller, which means to them that Jesus did not know what he was talking about. Credit: / jk1991 We expect atheists to find excuses to claim that Jesus is not God, but it is disheartening when owlhoots who claim to be Christian will also claim that he was mistaken in an effort to justify theistic evolution . No, he is the Creator, and knows what he is doing (Col. 1:16, John 1-1-3). As is the case in many instances of confusion and alleged Bible contradictions, context is vitally important. Here, we can look at not only the immediate context, but the greater context. Jesus was not giving a botany lesson, pilgrim. The parable was an illustration about the kingdom of Heaven. He would have used figures of speech. In fact, I referre...

Faith and Understanding

Every once in a while, some jasper drag this swayback out of the corral: "Faith is believing in something you know isn't true". Great. Now give it a sugar cube and put it back. Such an insult has nothing to do with Christian faith, and also shows ignorance of the real meaning of the word. Credit: Freeimages / V Fouche Everyone has faith in something to one degree or another, but the important thing is where our faith is placed. Christians know (or should know) that it is impossible to please God without faith (Heb. 11:6). Some folks think that faith is blind, or believing for its own sake, but that's not the case. Our faith is supported by evidence, and God's Word is self-attesting as well as supported by evidence. With God's help, we can persevere in an unbelieving culture. The ‘hall of faith’ in Hebrews 11 is one of the passages that Christians are most familiar with. It is inspiring to look at the recounting of the biblical heroes, and spurs us on ...

Deceit and Philosophies Masquerading as Science

Adam and Eve were still new in Eden when Satan appealed to Eve's pride. "What's that you say? I can be like God? And that fruit sure looks mighty tasty..." according to my paraphrase. Even though they had direct communication with God the Creator in the very good  creation, they chose to disobey. Evolutionary philosopher Epicurus image credit: Wellcome Images   CC BY 4.0 Since mankind doesn't fancy being accountable to anyone, he has sought to disregard the authority of Scripture, even to the point of pretending that God does not exist. People are arrogant, and are passionate about human "wisdom" and their philosophies. Science is elevated to a supreme authority position, and yet it is a philosophy as well, a means of interpreting observations. Many things that have been considered scientific facts have changed through the years, and the "facts" of evolution are based on tendentious interpretations as well as conjectures asserted as scie...

Being Certain in Today's World

Since way back yonder, people have been dreaming up various philosophies to follow. Sometimes they make their own, and other times, they dominate Western culture itself and get labeled. Premodernism began somewhere around 1650, but I doubt that people said, "Why yes, these are premodern times and I'm fully supportive of premodern philosophy". Modernism began to take hold, and lasted about 300 years. Assembled at About 1950, the philosophy called postmodernism began to take hold, and it's mighty depressing. One of its key points is one certainty: nothing is certain. While postmodernism contributes to atheism, a consistent postmodernist has disdain for the faiths both atheism and Christianity. To deepen the waters, not only are Christians certain of the existence of God, creation, the deity of Jesus Christ, his death, burial, and bodily resurrection, his return, the Final Judgement, and more, but we have faith. Now, some atheopaths malign...

Strength in Suffering

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In another article, I discussed how some people will turn their backs on God because of disappointment in their lives, whether trivial, expecting God to be a cosmic wish-granting genie, bringing problems upon themselves and then blaming God, or from serious hardships. Some find excuses to suppress the truth of God, preferring their own sin and pride to submission to their Creator. There are others who seek God in the midst of their hardships and remain faithful. See " Pain, Disappointment, and Apostasy ". Image credit: Pixabay / jill111 Paul the apostle had hardships (for example, see 2 Cor. 11:16-33, Acts 4:19-20), and you'd think that if he was relying on his own strength, he'd be quite willing to say, "Too much! I'm taking the next stage outta Dodge!" In Second Corinthians, he wrote, "By reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, that I should not be exalted excessively, there was given to me a thorn in ...

Lack of Evidence, Lack of Faith

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A documentary movie called Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus by Timothy Mahoney has been causing quite a stir in Christian and secular circles. It has received praise from many Christian organizations, as well as creation science ministries such as Answers In Genesis and Creation Ministries International . You can buy it, or rent it online from places like Amazon. This is not a review, as I have not yet seen the movie or read the book. My purpose here is a mite different. I was listening to Derek Gilbert's interview of Mr. Mahoney on " A View from the Bunker ". From about the 2 minutes 40 seconds mark through 11 minutes, he gave background on what motivated him to do investigations and make the film. He went to a dig site in Egypt for Goshen, and it was the area of Rameses (but I don't know which Rameses he meant). He asked an archaeologist if anything had been found about the Israelites having been there, and  the answer was that nothing ...

Pain, Disappointment and Apostasy

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In a post somewhere, I made a remark in the introduction, " Personal tragedy does not ruin your faith if you stay close to God. The 'problem of pain' is something that evolutionists and atheists cannot answer, but we know that Genesis is the foundation of all major Christian doctrines. Death entered the world through Adam's sin", and I quoted Romans 5.12. (More about the article itself later.) Used by permission of Ken Amm i Naturally, some atheo-fascists decided to attack a part of my introduction and ignore the actual article: "You make a living out of giving dumb comments? Pain evolved so creatures wouldn't hurt themselves more by not feeling they're "damaged". Stop dumb commenting!" "...the purpose of the post seemed to be that evolution couldn't explain pain, now as you know pain is covered in evolution as it is a development of the sensory organs and nervous ...

Christianity Is Faith In Action

 Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king Do you know what I know? In your palace warm mighty king Do you know what I know A child, a child Shivers in the cold Let us bring him silver and gold... — from "Do You Hear What I Hear", by Noël Regney This article will have two parts. First, some comments about the Christmas holiday itself, and then some practical, year-round observations. The war on Christmas seems to get more intense every year. Atheist organizations put up billboards mocking Christmas (and Christians) , which is a brilliant move to improve the image of atheists. (Good without God? Nope. Waste of money? Yup.) Christmas cards from school children to troops are banned by the US Department of Veterans Affairs for having "religious" content . Santa Monica, California, bans their 60-year nativity tradition . Many merchants are unfriendly to Christmas, and customers are encouraged to avoid them . A Mohammedan bigot says that saying "Me...