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Showing posts with the label Occult

Your Truth, My Truth, and a Witch at Davos

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Centuries ago, I was talking with someone and offered to present the gospel message. He declined, adding something to the effect of being glad I found something that works for me. Nowadays he might have said that I have my  truth but he had to find his  truth. A few months ago, I was hit with a surprise triple-bypass open-heart surgery. Then my beloved Charlene suddenly died a month later. This led to me having telephone counseling with several people. Some have said that "the universe" sends me signals or watches out for me and some made comments that resemble "your truth," which they did not seem to share. Witches Sabbath , Francisco Goya, 1789 You see what people mean by those statements, don't you? That there is no absolute truth, only what someone wants to accept. There are some ways individual truth exists on a lower level. I have to do laundry or have supper in whatever way is best for me. Not many truths to consider, just personal...

Taming the Monsters we Face

The season of fear. Although people watch horror movies throughout the year, many put a great deal of effort and money into celebrating images of evil and death on Halloween. Long ago, this child was into it. Now I dislike it, and I reckon part of the reason is that I hate fear. Have you ever watched a movie about werewolves, demons, or other monsters of darkness and then glanced around your home with unease? We know they are imaginary, but we still get the heebie-jeebies after watching a show. Pixabay /  Lothar Dieterich When people prepare for the "zombie apocalypse", I think most consider it as fun, but it seems that some really believe it's possible. (Are they really unaware that the zombie mythos is based on movies, and that it has little resemblance to zombie folklore based on Haitian voodoo?) The Centers for Disease Control used the fad to promote the more serious subject of disaster preparedness . Nothing to fear here, Horace. Speaking of mythologies, there are se...

The Spiritual Realm, UFOs, and Dark Matter?

When people say that something is spiritual, the connotation is of wispy and ghostlike things, or simply the unseen. Since we are spiritual beings that live in bodies, that concept is not quite right. There is also the spiritual realm  that theologians and others have discussed for many years. Where is that? Despite being materialists, secularists know that there is more to people than just being meat machines. They have tried to find the soul and the origin of consciousness , but were doomed to failure from the get-go because of their presuppositions. UFO at night via PxHere People are beginning to realize what some Christians have been saying for a long time: UFOs (well, now the term is Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) are of a spiritual, not physical, nature. Spirit beings such as angels and demons can pop into our realm from the one in which they live and show themselves — or be active and unseen. Some of us contend that UFOs and space aliens are demonic. It has been suggested t...

Astrology, Millennials, and the Rejection of God

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the post titled " Atheism and Irrationality ", it was pointed out that atheists are not quite the disbelievers in the supernatural that they pretend. Instead, they believe in some form of the supernatural and many indulge in occult practices such as astrology. Most atheists are in the generation classification known as Millennials. Before we go further, who makes up those "generation" names? They are not even generations in the usual sense. The Baby Boomers were born from 1946-1964 in the post-World War 2 time. I could understand 1946 to, say, 1950, but I don't cognate on the rest. Millennials were not born in or on the turn of the millennium, but were 1977-1995. Whatever you say, Skippy. Also, the description reads like a socio-economic-astrological chart for these here United States, even using expressions like characteristics and on the cusp . Click here if you want to see it . Personally, I don't take none too kindly to ...

Malevolence and Meditation

The word meditation has many connotations, and if you study on it, you will see that it has a variety of meanings. Some folks might think of formal meditation practices used in Eastern religions, but others may be pondering something and call that "meditating". Meditation is popular nowadays, but what do people really mean by it? Credit: Unsplash / Yogi Madhav If you spend a great deal of time thinking and focusing on something (or someone), you're meditating on it. Take a gander at what people are doing and see if you agree with me. They meditate on church activities, politics, global climate change hysteria, sports, a favorite musician, sex, and so on. (I remember hearing a caller to a political talk radio show and the host exclaimed, "Your religion is liberalism!" The caller replied, "Yes!") This can also have a negative thrust. I can name a few atheists and anti-creationists who essentially meditate on their hatred for God's Word. See P...

Astral Beings and Aliens

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Years ago, I had a fascination for occult-related things. Even though I was a Christian (albeit with a weak theological foundation), I studied and thought I could do a "white magic" thing and be a force for good, or something like that. I never had an out-of-the-body experience, saw a ghost, encountered a UFO, or anything like that. God delivered me from occult involvement , but my studies from a Christian worldview have been beneficial at times. This is a very broad topic, and scores of books have been written on it. I have to confine myself to a few comments on some of these subjects. Credit: Pixabay / Karen Smits Every once in a while, I have some odd coincidences happen in my life. Sometimes I think God is trying to get my attention. In this case, I had recently written and posted my review of the movie Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception . The movie makes a very strong case (using science, theology, and more) that personal encounters...

Signs in the Heavens and Prophetic Significance

In one respect, this post will be outdated very quickly, as September 23, 2017 will come and go. However, the principles that are expressed in the articles linked below are applicable to other events as well as the excitement and confusion they will generate. Credit: Pixabay / Ulrike Bohr Although the Bible clearly tells us that no one can know the time of Christ's return, some folks like to commence to doing "date setting", and think they've figured out some special message or code. These consistently fail. Yes, Genesis 1:14 has the word "signs", but that is not a call to use the heavens for divination on Revelation instead of their real purpose: timekeeping.  "But there's a tetrad of blood moons!" Yes, the moon turns read during a lunar eclipse. Has to do with refraction. The four blood moons thing has happened before, too. Pass the cheese curls, willya? "The sun will be in Virgo, the sun and some planets will be in it, and ...

Christian Witchcraft?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article has two parts. I was going to present some musings that had built up in my mind, made some notes about this on Friday — and something very serious came to my attention on Saturday that fits right in . Kind of strange when those things happen. My concern is how Christians turn their prayers and worship into something resembling spells, forget that God is our loving Father, and act like the Bible is a kind of occult manual. First, a personal problem. Although it's good to be specific in prayer and even pour out your heart to God, I'll allow that I get a mite over-specific. F'rinstance, I'll pray for my wife's safety for the work day. So, I'll pray for her safety to, from, and during work. I realized that I needed to rein up because I was insulting God at full gallop and didn't even realize it! God is infinitely wise, and knows what we mean. Indeed, he helps in our prayers (Romans 8:26-27). I'm thankful that he'...

The Spirit of the Thing

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Decades ago, I thought that I could use occult methods and still be a Bible-believing Christian. My mental image was almost comic book, where I would be using "good" magic against the forces of evil, complete with eerie glows and bolts of force emitting from my hands (Amos 3.3 NKJV). (If this had happened in modern times, I would probably have had a Harry Potter image of myself.) I had several errors going on in my naïve mind. One error was basic wishful thinking; I wanted certain things to be true, despite the Bible's admonitions against magic and occult practices (Deut. 18.9-12a, Isaiah 9.19-20, Jer. 27.9-10). There was no distinction between "white" and "black" magic, all was forbidden and condemned. I justified my opinions because I believed that the Old Testament does not apply to Christians. Of course, I ignored the fact that those warnings were there for a deeper reason that to just keep Israel separate from...