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Showing posts with the label Foundations

Bringing Satan into the Church

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  After dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight, many professing Christians bring him with them to church. No, he is not afraid of it, or you, or me. Many churches are pusillanimous and infested with unseen demonic entities. How did this happen? Image from Unsplash / Tyler Milligan , with modifications including Clker clipart Many Bible-believing Christians are dismayed by the lack of power in what is called the Body of Christ. Individual churches as well as entire denominations have compromised on the importance of Genesis, biblical inerrancy, and other foundational aspects of Christian doctrine. Far too many do not preach the Word of God, and people reject its authority. (Years ago, I endured some sermons were so feckless, I heard better sermons in Christian rock songs!) Satan is not dismayed whate'er betide. It's been said that one of the devil's greatest achievements is to convince people that he doesn't exist. To get people into churches...

Praying to Plants?

This is one of those times when we may wonder if the apostasy of the end times is upon us, especially with the extremely rapid moral decline in society. It is one thing for people to have no concern or even contempt for God, but to pray and confess our sins to plants? Credit: Some Native Americans would pray to the spirits of the animals they had killed, and they had other elements of pantheism and animism in their eclectic religions. Now some global warming activists and owlhoots at an allegedly Christian seminary are having people confess their sins to plants. Union Theological Seminary was, for a short time, orthodox in its theology until it became extremely liberal. They are the ones involved in these shenanigans. Let's ride up on the hill and look at the bigger view for a spell. We have to look all the way back to Genesis, where God gave us dominion and stewardship over creation. Plants were created on the third day of creation week, with land animals an...

Gungor, Apostasy, and Bad Foundations

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the most important aspects of the Christian life is to have a strong foundation. As Christians, we are supposed to rely on the Word of God in all matters of our faith (2 Peter 1:19-21, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Luke 6:47-48). The source of all major Christian doctrines can be found in Genesis . When people build their faith on fun things, liberal theology, emotionalism, personal experiences , and other things instead of Scripture, the results are disastrous. Take a warning from Gungor. Credit: Unsplash / Dominik Scythe Michael and Lisa Gungor, who performed and recorded as Gungor, were popular in Christian music circles for a while. Michael got on the prod and complained about creation, the Flood, and Genesis . Let me plagiarize a section of my article a bit: Christian and musician Michael Gungor was in the midst of controversy because of his statements rejecting literal creation. Guess who likes him? Biologos !  Also , t his venomous TE also use d...

Genesis, Foundations, and Persecution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As I have stated many times, all major Christian doctrines have their origins in Genesis , which is foundational for the Christian faith. Some folks wave off Genesis and creation as incidental and want to get to what they consider the "good stuff", but they are doing themselves (and others) a tremendous disservice. Of course, atheists, theistic evolutionists, and other owlhoots malign Genesis because it threatens their faith in evolutionism, and they know the importance of Genesis to the Christian faith. Why do we wear clothes? It's found in Genesis. When did sin begin? Genesis. What is first promise of the Redeemer? Genesis, again. What is the foundation for marriage? That's right, Genesis again. The world is increasingly hostile to the truth of Scripture as well as more accommodating to secularism and atheism. Although persecution in the West is mild in comparison to what Christians endure in other parts of the world, it does exist and is ...

Theistic Evolution: Old Heresy Rebooted

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Evolution is an ancient pagan religion that was plagiarized, tweaked, dressed up and popularized by Charles Darwin. People like to call it "science", but it is the pseudoscience of an anti-God religion. It seems that some religious people wish to appear intelligent in the eyes of the world, so they accept evolutionary thinking, but they need to have some sort of veneer of religion, perhaps a "fire escape". So they tack God's name onto it so they can have the best of both worlds. Old earth compromisers will add to God's written Word, finding excuses to insert millions or billions of years where it is unjustified (Prov. 30.6, 1 Cor. 4.6). Theistic evolutionists take this even further, but both have a low view of Scripture. A great deal of modern theology is man-centered, not God-centered. Read the popular religion books, watch the television broadcasts, listen to radio sermons and religious music, and you'll hear about how God...

Video — "Evolutionism: The Greatest Deception of All Time"

This is a frustrating video. No, not for me, I think Dr. G. Thomas Sharp has some extremely important things to say that Christians need to heed; it is one of the best "relevance talks" on Genesis that I have ever heard. What is frustrating is that too many Christians want to be mediocre and have nice fuzzy warm feelings with their unbiblical wimpy Jesus picture on their dressers. For people who have the courage to watch this video, they will learn several things: Genesis is foundational to the gospel, Christians have compromised and consider the Bible itself to be insignificant, there is no regard for the authority of Scripture, the battle of origins has never been about science but has always been religious in nature, and more. I implore you to spend the forty-eight minutes and give serious consideration to what Dr. Sharp says. My guess is that people who do get something out of this talk will not only want to hear it again, but will want to share it. EDIT:  The orig...

Creation Sunday

Some Christians insist that creationism is divisive . Well, standing for the truth is divisive. But so was Jesus! (Luke 9.62, Matt. 10.34-39, Luke 11.23) People are ignorant (sometimes willingly) that creation is foundational to the gospel message . Many have compromised on a straightforward reading of God's Word , insisting on adding to it so they can have their own interpretations and accommodate atheistic interpretations of scientific evidence for an ancient Earth (Prov. 30.6). The Bible does not teach an ancient Earth , nor does it accommodate theistic evolution . There is no need to please men and dishonor God (Eph. 6.6, Gal. 1.10, Col. 3.23). Christians are to base our faith on God's Word (2 Peter 1.19, 2 Tim. 3.16), which does not change (Isaiah 40.8, Mark 13.31). Consider this: Philosophies of science continually change. If someone bases their faith and their understanding of the Word of God on what "science" has given, what will become of their ...

Evolution, Compromise and Foundations

It is more important than ever for Bible-believing Christian churches to take a stand for the truth. When compromise sets in, it begins a domino effect that leads to further compromise and even to unbelief. Liberal churches and atheists are attacking us at our foundations, which begin at Genesis . Further, they appeal to emotion with loaded terminology and the false dichotomy that people must choose either faith or "science". This is a lie . (I have written before that even if we gave up the creation accounts, that would not be enough for liberals and atheists.) The church is in serious trouble, and people's faith is threatened because they do not see the relevance of their foundations, and do not bother to discover that there are indeed answers to those science philosophy questions. This weekend, atheist Dr. Michael Zimmerman is once again encouraging churches to preach Darwin from their pulpits. He claims that his Clergy Letter Project, signed by over 12,0...

Why Should We Study Creation?

The Rev. Dr. David P. Murray of Reformation International Theological Seminary brings his expertise to the study of the creation account in Genesis. His message on "Why Study Creation" is available at SermonAudio . It is well worth your time. You can listen to it from the page, or download it. Note that if you click on "Download MP3", you are taken to a sign-up screen. If you do not wish to sign up, click "Maybe Later" and your download starts immediately.

Saturday Resource: Logic, Atheism, the Gospel and More

This edition touches on several topics, including evolution, the importan ce of Genesis, atheism and logic. But more importantly, it dealt with how Christians should present the gospel message, and what kind of foundation we should have. Sunday, October 14, 2012 was an interesting day for me. I was invited ("invited" as in, "hounded the guys until they gave in") to be on the "Evidence 4 Faith" radio show/podcast . Host Keith Kendrix was away, and Kirk Hastings was filling in. It was my first live guest spot on a radio show, not including call-in shows. (Before that, I was involved in a three-part   podcast for Theopologetics , but that was recorded and not a live broadc ast .) I was hesitant a few times, not wanting to steamroll over Kirk — it's not my  show. And I had a dry throat problem on occasion. Perchance they wish to have me on again, there are some items that I would like to expand upon. The next time should be better. If you find this m...

Why Do Christians Deny Genesis?

It seems that most people simply believe in "deep time" and use current science philosophy trends to interpret the Bible. As I have said before, I believe that many people have simply not bothered to examine their theology, and see that their opinions are actually doing violence to the rest of Scripture. Others are actively compromising and denying the authority of God's Word. What causes people to accept what "science" says, and to interpret the Bible according to secular belief systems? Here is an article that has some good answers. Evangelicals believe that the Bible is the word of God, but most of them (in the Western world outside the USA, at least) do not believe that God created the universe in six literal days about six thousand years ago. Furthermore, they say that those who do believe it are interpreting the Bible wrongly. Why? Are they right? And why do so many of them say it? Also, why are so many resistant to even considering this matter? Thi...

Theological Physics, Compromise and Homosexual Marriage

If we are going to be effective soldiers for Jesus, we have to be firm on the basics: Get into the Word, spend time in prayer, fellowship with other believers and get good teaching. If you are not doing these things on a regular basis, you have no business  getting in Satan's face — you'll be shredded. But if you are doing those, then add your spiritual combat gear (Ephesians 6.10-18) and apologetics training books, videos, lectures, audios or whatever. And remember, the whole thing is not only about being strong in the Lord and growing in faith ourselves, but to be able to present the gospel. You do care that people are dying without Christ and spending eternity in Hell, yes? The first part of the basics, getting into the Word, is vital. Do you believe  the Word of God? Or is the Bible something that you do not consider all that important? If that is the case, I urge you to check yourself and see if you are truly saved . You cannot expect to be an effective witness if you ...

What's Wrong with Theistic Evolution?

Many years ago, I wondered why I can't simply assume that God used evolution in his creation process. But back then, I had no idea what I was doing to God's Word. Find Jesus in Evolution In this Weblog, I have puzzled, pleaded, ranted, explained, reasoned and so forth in an effort to understand why people want to add to the plain reading of the Scriptures . Is it to appear smarter, to appease the evolution crowd by not really believing (and standing up for) what the Bible says? Is it ignorance of the domino effect of compromising from our foundations? I should not be so puzzled. After all, this is an age where people compromise the Word all over the place, listening instead to the Rev. Dr. Feelgood and his associate, E.R. Tickler. Believing in a literal six-day creation and global flood? Long forgotten! The fact is, theistic evolution does significant violence to the gospel. The atheistic formula for evolution is: Evolution = matter + evolutionary factors (chance and necessi...

This Should Be Creation Sunday

For by him all things were created, in the heavens and on the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him, and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things are held together. (Col. 1:16-17 , World English Bible) While secularists and apostate churches are proclaiming evolution on Darwin's birthday, those of us who believe the Bible should reflect on the Creator. To be blunt, to say that God used evolution in his method of creation is an offense to him. Keep in mind that Jesus is the Creator. (No, I am not going modalist on you, I believe in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit; one God in three distinct persons .) ​ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This one was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and apart from him not one thing came into being that has come into being. ...

Saturday Resource: Evolution Sunday?

As I mentioned in yesterday's brief episode (the one with the ninety seconds long audio clip), churches are sliding so far downhill that pastors are using material from atheists to promote evolution from the pulpit! I feel that Christians who actually believe the word of God should not only be having " Creation Sunday " in their churches, but actively promoting " Question Evolution Day " (and questioning evolution every day with Scripture and science). One of the purposes of this Weblog is to encourage Christians to grow in the Word (2 Peter 3.18) and be able to stand for the truth (Jude 1.3, 2 Peter 3.15). Saying that Genesis is "just allegory" and compatible with evolution is not being truthful. (Quick example, the order of creation in Genesis has nothing to do with the sequence expected in evolutionism philosophies.) In fact, it is destructive to the gospel to compromise. Here is today's resource. It is from "Crosstalk", "VCY ...

Pastors Supporting EVOLUTION?

Since Mohammedans do not believe that their god can have a son, some weak Christians are compromising to coddle them with an Islam-Friendly Bible . "Chrislam" is nothing but compromise. Can you believe that this is happening? Maybe it shouldn't be such a surprise, since we have been compromising on the foundations of the Word as found in Genesis. If we do not have strong foundations, what good are we (Psalm 11.3)? More of this compromise involves an atheist promoting evolution in churches. Christian leaders supporting evolution are joining him. Spend a minute and a half with Ken Ham as he discusses this. ( Click here if the embedded player fails .)

Creation: Science and Theology

Also posted at "Stormbringer's Thunder" and at "Evolutionary Truth by Piltdown Superman". This is a different kind of article for me, because it was a new experience. I pestered Chris Date to let me be on his " Theopologetics " podcast to talk about creation science. He was interested, and said he had someone else in mind so that all three of us could do the podcast. This would be great in the lead-up to " Question Evolution Day ". It was scheduled several weeks away. We got the outline of questions he was going to ask, and shared it online to create our responses. Finally, the evening of February 7, 2012 arrived. This was my first conference call on Skype, and only about the fifth time I've used it at all, so I was a bit awkward with it. Chris is experienced not only with technological things, but able to develop the interview questions to bring out the strengths of his guests. He is also serious about theology itself, and takes the Bibl...

Creation Sunday

This is a re-working of last year's " On The Origin of Respectability ". Most of it is the same, but I have included some updates. In the beginning God created the heauen and the earth. And the earth was without forme and voide, and darkenesse was vpon the deepe, and the Spirit of God moued vpon ye waters. Then God saide, Let there be light: And there was light. And God sawe the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkenes. And God called the light, Day, and the darkenes, he called Night. So the euening and the morning were the first day. — Genesis 1.1-5 (Geneva) Or, to say it another way: בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ וְהָאָרֶץ הָיְתָה תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ וְחֹשֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵי תְהֹום וְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים מְרַחֶפֶת עַל־פְּנֵי הַמָּֽיִם׃ וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים יְהִי אֹור וַֽיְהִי־אֹֽור׃ וַיַּרְא אֱלֹהִים אֶת־הָאֹור כִּי־טֹוב וַיַּבְדֵּל אֱלֹהִים בֵּין הָאֹור וּבֵין הַחֹֽשֶׁךְ׃ וַיִּקְרָא אֱלֹהִים ׀ לָאֹור יֹום וְלַחֹשֶׁךְ קָרָא לָיְ...


"The feare of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fooles despise wisedome and instruction." — Proverbs 1.7 (Geneva Bible, 1587) First, a recommendation: Get into the Word for the New Year. Make a commitment to read it every day. One thing I do is add one chapter from Proverbs each day. After all, there are thirty one chapters to keep you covered. I think we should start of 2011 with a look at our foundations — all the way back to square one. Greg Demme of Creation Ministries International has an important article that I hope you will read. Click here . By the way, the illustration on that page is a smaller variation on this one, from Answers in Genesis (click for larger size):