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Showing posts from April, 2023

Building a Solid Dome Sky in Genesis

As we saw before, misotheists and professing Christians with a liberal bent sometimes say that the ancient Hebrews believed the sky was a solid dome, and the waters were above it (Gen. 1:6-8). This idea falls apart under examination . Further, some owlhoots  say the ancient Hebrews borrowed mythologies from their pagan neighbors. C'mon, man, that's malarkey! The song " Denomination Blues " by Washington Phillips has a line, ". . . you can go to the college, and you can go to the school, but if you ain't got Jesus you're an educated fool." That fits what has happened. Sun-God Tablet, Wikimedia Commons / Zunkir ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Somehow, it seems to be intellectual to denigrate the Bible — especially Genesis. Such thinking also assumes ancient people were stupid because they had recently evolved. It does a disservice to the monotheistic Jews, and other near-Eastern myths are found in the Bible. These "educated" people had proof of what Mesopo...

Filling the Gap Theory

First of all, the word theory  is often used by people who simply have a conjecture or an idea they are making up on the spot. In science, a theory is a step above a hypothesis  and is expected to have an evidential basis. The Gap Theory  has nothing to do with science, but is not just an off-the-cuff speculation, either. Even though it has been refuted long ago, people zombify it and let it roam around, annoying theologians and confusing lay people. Standley Chasm, Unsplash / Stephen Mabbs There are some variations on the Gap Thing (you make my heart sing). It exists as a compromise for professing Christians to say they believe the Bible and also have deep time. The gap supposedly exists between the first two verses of Genesis, but is supported by an illegitimate reading of the text — and a heapin' helpin' of eisegesis. Now we have a gap. Want to see what's in it? Billions of years. The fall of Satan. Lucifer's Flood, which is supposed to explain geology. Ruin and reco...

The Trail of the Resurrection from Genesis

As many know, the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is vitally important to Christianity. While others reject the truth, many Christians have only a superficial knowledge of the Resurrection. There is depth to it that can be traced throughout Scripture. An old expression often found in found in Western stories is  cutting sign . It is used today as well. Basically, it means to look for evidence of an animal or a person and follow their trail. Christians can cut sign beginning in Genesis. Empty tomb,  Free Christian Illustrations The Bible is such that much of it can be understood by us reg'lar folk, but we can keep learning throughout our lives. It certainly keeps theologians busy mining truths. An important procedure is to interpret Scripture with Scripture. We can follow the trail in the Old Testament for the death and Resurrection of Jesus. Working backward, the New Testament tells us that he is our Creator (Col. 1:16, John 1:1-3, Heb. 1:2-3). God the Son ca...