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Showing posts from October, 2011

Abortion and Conscience

Perhaps I am going about this post the wrong way. It has several items in it (audio, video, links to articles) and I do not want you to lose interest. On the other hand, I do not want to spread them out and have you lose your place. So, I will keep them together. First, I have written an article at "Piltdown Superman" discussing the relationship between evolutionary thinking and how it encourages abortion. I hope you will indulge me and click here to read it . Second, here is a 1-1/2 minute audio from Ken Ham at Answer in Genesis discussing the link between evolution and abortion (or click here if the embed fails ): Third, here is an article by Tony Perkins at Answers in Genesis: The abortion debate is far more than a mere political issue. It strikes at the heart of every society. Without the light of God’s Word upholding the sanctity of human life, Western nations lose all respect for the sanctity of the unborn. Having grown up in a Christian home and having accepted Jesus C