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Showing posts with the label Rapture

Sgian Dubh

"The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God..." — Ephesians 6.17 If you have no objections, I am going to indulge in some speculative fiction. (If you do have objections, it will be here if you change your mind.) My eschatological beliefs are pretty much the most common view, where Jesus will come back at any moment for his people in what is commonly referred to as the "Rapture", followed by the rise of the Antichrist, the seven-year Tribulation period (you definitely do not want to be left behind at the Rapture — are you sure you're ready?), the triumphal Second Coming of Christ and his people and so on. But I will not defend or debate my position, I am just letting you know what I think the Bible teaches on the subject. So, this speculative fiction, which could be considered "science fiction", as it has future-based elements, involves those left behind to face the Tribulation and deal with the Antichrist. (If I have belie...