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Showing posts with the label Ghosts

Charles Darwin is Still Haunting

Have you ever been haunted? I have. Charles Darwin haunts me. Don't get me wrong, I have never seen a ghost (or a flying saucer, for that matter), and reject the idea that they are the spirits of the departed who come a-calling. For information on those specific topics, I refer you to " Are Ghosts Real? ", follow-up, " Ghosts, Experience, and the Bible " and " Aliens, Evolution and the Occult ". Like so many other words that are bandied about, "ghost", "spirit" and "haunt" have different meanings based on the context. I am haunted by the ghost of Darwin, and also by versions of his worldview, evolutionism. Everywhere you go, you can't escape the spirit of evolutionism. (There, you have to rely on the context to get a handle on those words.) I'll be watching at TV documentary about cats, and they drop in that "it evolved this feature", so the spirit of evolution appears. Some entertainment piece, and ...

The Spirit of the Thing

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Decades ago, I thought that I could use occult methods and still be a Bible-believing Christian. My mental image was almost comic book, where I would be using "good" magic against the forces of evil, complete with eerie glows and bolts of force emitting from my hands (Amos 3.3 NKJV). (If this had happened in modern times, I would probably have had a Harry Potter image of myself.) I had several errors going on in my naïve mind. One error was basic wishful thinking; I wanted certain things to be true, despite the Bible's admonitions against magic and occult practices (Deut. 18.9-12a, Isaiah 9.19-20, Jer. 27.9-10). There was no distinction between "white" and "black" magic, all was forbidden and condemned. I justified my opinions because I believed that the Old Testament does not apply to Christians. Of course, I ignored the fact that those warnings were there for a deeper reason that to just keep Israel separate from...