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Showing posts with the label DeGarmo and Key

External Pressures and Internal Changes

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Over at Piltdown Superman, I've been posting material from ICR on engineered adaptability and the continuous environmental tracking model. Essentially, Charles Darwin supposed that organisms change because of external "pressures", a concept that his followers cling to even today. They don't cotton to the notion that critters adapt (without evolving into something else altogether) through internal mechanisms (see " Targeted Changes and Engineered Adaptability " if you want to see an example). The Master Engineer built in the ability to make changes. Modified from a Library of Congress photo (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Let's take this biological concept into another area — and flip it. People have been blaming others for their actions for a very long time. Go back to Eden, and see that Eve blamed the serpent, Adam blamed Eve and God ("the woman you gave me"). This happens all the time. J

Ten Lies Satan Tells to Biblical Creationists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Christians who know and believe the Bible are well aware that Satan exists, and is intent on negating or even destroying the work of God. Some professing Christians see the devil behind every bush, and blame him for practically everything that goes wrong. That's not the whole story. Scripture tells us that we have two other sources of conflict: the flesh and the world. Satan will not only use his own deceitful skills, but brings the other two nonentities along to bring down a believer. In addition, we have our own lusts and sin nature, so we may very well be out of line to blame Satan too often.  The opposite extreme is to take a pseudo-intellectual approach and pretend that Satan does not exist. A phrase attributed to French writer Charles Baudelaire has appeared in several forms and in many places, including movies: "The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist." I'll let you study on that for a while and you can

I Don't Wanna Be a Casual Christian!

Just over a year ago, I rededicated my life to Jesus. One of the things that convicted me was getting reacquainted with that Christian music that I knew years ago. Petra, White Heart, Larry Norman, Malcolm and Alwyn, Darrell Mansfield and others. DeGarmo and Key had meant a great deal to me. Somehow, DeGarmo and Key ministered to me the most. I saw them in concert three or four times.  Like the other artists, they gave encouragement as well as admonition . Evangelism should go without saying; the "buy one get one to give away" cassette deal has stuck with me for years. (Dig this blues version of a song they mastered earlier , " Are You Ready? ".) Dana did that thing that several other Christian rock artists have done: He went into the ministry. Not a surprise, because music is a ministry for many of them. I was shocked and very saddened to learn that Dana Key died on June 6, 2010. There are several tributes around (I linked to one in my own