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Showing posts from October, 2021

Unexplained Paranormal Activities 2 — The Spirit of It

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  In Part 1 , we looked at how paranormal activities are on the increase, and much of it appears to be documented in videos. While many on YouTube say they are for entertainment, many are treated as if they were factual. There are many reasons to reject them. The reasons include suspicious presentations, video qualities, and circumstances. Also involved are mistakes and faulty reasoning on the part of the presenters as well as those who comment. Today, we will look at reasons to take some of them seriously. More importantly, we'll look at the spirit behind them. Modified from an image by Pete Linforth [ 42 ] on Pixabay Reasons to Consider the Videos It must be terribly frustrating and disheartening to have an experience and catch it on video (decent cameras on smartphones and elsewhere are  so  common), then have people poke holes in it. Although a passel of allegedly supernatural videos are fake, what is a sincere person to do? They  know ...

Unexplained Paranormal Activities 1 — Those Videos

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Since this article is long, it is also available as a PDF to view or download here . There have been numerous reports of supernatural activities throughout most of recorded history, but most have been laughed off. Many can be dismissed as the result of hysteria, imagination, mental illness, hoaxes, double exposures in old photographs, and more. Nobody believes in ghosts or other spirits today because we are rational people, right? Not hardly! Interest in the paranormal has been on the rise, and even some professing atheists express belief [ 1 ]. With modern recording techniques, videos are plentiful. Unsplash / Zachary Kandolph [ 2 ] (modified) People have said that TikTok itself is demonic because there are so many spooky videos recorded with it. I disagree. Smartphones and apps are ubiquitous, and apparently that one is easy to use. What we are seeing is not a demonic app, but a reflection of the increase in supernatural activity on Earth. I have spent a gr...

Human Wisdom Elevated above the Wisdom of God

As many Bible-believing Christians know, there is a disdain for the authority of the Word of God. This is to be expected from unbelievers, as they are blinded to spiritual truth. Sadly, many professing Christians also downplay the importance of Scripture. As Christians, the Bible is the foundation of our thinking in every area — or should  be. It is true from the very first verse, and Genesis is the source of all major Christian doctrines . The Bible is the source of real knowledge and wisdom. Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez Some owlhoots have a problem with the biblical authority and the source of wisdom, and they misrepresent biblical creationists for believing those things. Part of the difficulty comes from definitions. Connotations, really. In the eyes of God, atheists are fools (Psalm 14:1). The word fool, × ָבָל ( nabal ), means a vile person, and is not necessarily that someone is stupid. However, the noetic effect of sin  means that sin infects all areas, including the th...

Animals Fear Humans — by Design?

It is common to take a stroll in a wooded area and encounter critters, which often scamper away. Others freeze in place as a defense, or possibly doing threat assessment. They usually want to get away from us. Animals have fear of us and of each other.  Our apartment is on the second floor of three. Lots of trees in the area. Squirrels show no fear in leaping up onto our porch, but when we go outside, they run off.  Wikimedia Commons /  Jineshpanchal  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) One was on the porch when a big hawk landed on the railing. That's never happened before. The rodent froze in terror and just laid there. The hawk just looked at it, probably not hungry at the moment. If we had gone to the sliding glass door, I lack belief either would have stayed put. Even domestic animals show fear of humans, including pets around strangers. Animals that have gone feral or never knew human contact are in touch with their inner wildness. It takes a mighty long time to make friends with...