by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Although this article is written for Christians, other people should be able to get useful information out of it as well. There are Christians who complain that their walk with God is severely lacking. We cannot base our faith (or worse, base our assurance of salvation) on how we feel, but perhaps we're getting a spiritual nudge to examine ourselves. It amazes me how in conversations, on social media and so on, I encounter people who have indicated that they are Christians but have — uh, interests — that are opposite to those that a Spirit-led Christian should be indulging in. Now wait, I'm not going to get legalistic like some Fundamentalists I've known and give you a list of "approved" activities. (I'm listening to secular instrumental music while I write this.) What I am going to do is give you some things for your prayerful consideration. Not being a fan of the highly subjective "What Would Jesus Do?" movement,...
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