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Showing posts with the label Education

Gambling on Creation with Christian Colleges

Someone said that he asked people who believe the falsehood that the US Constitution has a separation of church and state clause, "Do you want something that is taught in seminaries also taught in public schools?" They answered in the negative. He pointed out that this subject was evolution. One would expect that a college calling itself  Christian  would believe and teach what is contained in the Bible, and uphold biblical authority. Many have fallen away and teach vague religiosity, and usually shun biblical creation. Faro game at Orient Saloon ca. 1900 / National Archives , colorized at Palette It has been demonstrated that particles-to-professor evolution makes atheists out of people, or causes them compromise their faith so that it becomes almost unrecognizable — even resembling Deism. Parents who care will provide their children with strong teachings in creation and other areas of the faith, and make resources available. This includes biblically-strong sites and weblogs...

Christian Students and Advanced Degrees

Some Christians may be reluctant to obtain advanced degrees, and it is possible to see why. The secular science industry has its tendrils in academia and such an environment is predominantly atheistic. Some professors actively seek to destroy the faith of Christian students. The world needs Christians being salt and light in various occupations, especially those in the sciences. Some scientists who are biblical creationists advise, in essence, that creationist students should keep low profiles about their beliefs so they can get the training and graduate. Graduation paper, Pexels / Ekrulila It has been rightly said that evolution makes atheists out of people, and there are people who professed to be Christians who lost their faith at universities. Maneuvering the secular minefield can be scary for Christian students who want to advance in their learning, but it doesn't have to be disastrous for them. Yes, learn what they are teaching — but you don't have to accept fake science....

All Education is Religious!

It may come as a shock to many people, but all education is religious in nature. If you commence to cognating on it, everyone has a worldview . It is formed through the values and presuppositions that we use to make sense of the big questions in life. People who teach operate from their worldviews. Modified from a photo at Freeimages, original from  Jeramey Jannene Studying on it further, we see that worldviews are religious in nature. Some people claim that secular  means neutral , but that is not the case: it is impossible to be neutral . It has been clearly demonstrated that secular schools are most definitely not neutral. They are, in fact, operating from atheist naturalism and even persecute Christian teachers who oppose anserine values. In an interesting twist, this indoctrinator maintains that so-called "neutral" science is anything but. She is unhappy about "science" that may omit things that she perceives to be "facts", but are actually leftist a...

Teaching Evolution — the Right Way

As we approach the 9th annual Question Evolution Day , we must remember that people will learn about universal common descent concepts. Some folks have objected and said that we do not need to teach our children that stuff or even learn it ourselves . The opposite is true. Let me 'splain, Loocy. Background image: RGBStock / Steve Woods The school systems have kids for many hours a day for many years, so they are indoctrinated in secular science philosophies and values that run contrary to the Christian worldview. Sadly, many supposedly Christian schools reject biblical authority as well as recent creation and the Genesis Flood. Evolutionary ideas are everywhere, so their is no shielding anyone — which is a bad idea. As I have repeated several times, secularists tell us what to think, biblical creationists try to teach us how to think. That is, rationally and in keeping with God's Word. Something about debates applies here. In a formal debate (not the kind on social ...

Handcuffed by Evolutionary Indoctrination

Darwin's disciples have done an excellent job in promoting their materialistic viewpoint, with the conflation of  evolution with science  as one of their main tools. This provides these owlhoots with an emotional manipulation tool, since people do not want to be seen as "science deniers" when they reject minerals-to-misotheist evolution. The propaganda is everywhere we turn, whether textbooks, television documentaries, entertainment... A scene in the 1977 movie High Anxiety  has Dr. Richard H. Thorndyke (Mel Brooks) giving a lecture and saying, "...that each patient is a supreme individual endowed with those qualities that distinguish the human being from the slime from which he emerged". Even Bugs Bunny used it when he was told to start at the beginning: " the beginning, there was no life. The earth was forming..." To appear intelligent and sciencey, add evolution. Just keep your eyes and ears open and you'll see what I mean. Credit: P...

Dinosaurs, Evolution, and Christianity

Dinosaurs are often used to promote evolutionism, which in turn has caused some professing Christians to jump the fence and run off into compromise — and even outright atheism. Christians need to know what and why they believe, and be able to reason from both Scripture and true science when confronted with what seems to be evidence against their beliefs. One of these apparent contradictions that puts a burr under the saddles of some folks is the idea that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time, and not millions of years apart. Credit: Pixabay / aitoff Christians who are grounded in the Word and have some critical thinking skills will strap on the feedbag of serious investigation. After all, we have the internet and a large number of printed material, videos, and more from biblical creation science ministries. Then we can see the assumptions and just-so stories behind evolutionary pronouncements, and learn that creationary accounts correctly handle not only Scripture, but ...