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Showing posts from March, 2017

Professing Christians Disparage Jesus

Almost from the beginning of Jesus' incarnation as a man, there have been strange heresies about him. Owlhoots have been trying to find ways to denigrate him and make him less that who he was when he walked the earth, and nowadays, such heresies are no longer restricted to Gnostics, atheists, and other cults; the false teachings have infected mainstream churches. Credit: Pixabay / Hans_Hofer C.S. Lewis referred to unbelievers' remarks about Jesus being a "great moral teacher" as " patronizing nonsense ", but some professing Christians are at that same level. Even though his own words, Old Testament prophesies, New Testament writers, the church fathers, and so on have made it clear that Jesus is God the Son who humbled himself and took on human form, seems that people don't cotton to paying attention. Strange when they claim to believe the Bible, but then say that Jesus made mistakes. Quite often, you can find these false claims about him from beli...

Is the Inerrancy of the Bible Important?

Some folks have a modicum of respect for the Bible even if they do not actually believe it. To call it the "good book" and pick out various words of wisdom is to miss the important fact that the Bible makes serious claims about itself: it is the inerrant written Word of God. What does that mean? When investigating the statements of faith from various churches and ministries, there are some phrases about the Bible that seem a mite baffling. Expressions like verbal plenary  and inspiration  stand out. The first one is expensive talk for the whole of Scripture, every word, is given by God. Inspiration is a horse of a different color, because we use that word to mean several different things. Some folks say that the Bible was "inspired" the way an essayist or even a skilled fiction writers is inspired. In the Bible, it is the Greek word Î¸ÎµÎ¿́πνευστος,  theopneustos (pronounced thay-ah-noo-stahs) that many versions translate as inspired, but is more correctly rendered ...

Ancient Chinese Artifact May Portray Genesis

China has one of the oldest cultures on Earth, so perhaps we should not be surprised to find traces of the Bible, even in this now-Communist land. Older Chinese pictographs have been demonstrated to show some elements of Genesis, and an ancient artifact from Sanxingdui may have some correlation to Genesis as well. Adam and Eve by Raphael The identification of artifacts can be difficult, but the interpretation can be a mighty tricky thing. A bronze tree in Sanxingdui may have significant correlation with the Genesis Flood and the dispersal of nations at Babel. You might rightly wonder why, so I'll give you a couple of spoilers from the article linked below: this big tree made of bronze has a passel of details linking it to Genesis, but it is dated to about the time Moses was penning the Pentateuch. They weren't exactly telegraphing each other. So... In 1986, workers from a brickyard near Guanghan, China, were digging for clay in the countryside when they discovered...

Adding Evolution to the Bible?

Once upon a time, a guy was involved with biblical creation science. Or, as he called it, young earth creationism (YEC). He became disillusioned with it, embraced evolutionism, turned on his fellow creationists in a show of public humiliation, and refused to give his name due to "harassment" from creationists. He trolls the Web to this day promoting his new religion and hating biblical creationists while pretending to be a respected Christian "professor". His knowledge of the Bible, creation science, theology, and other matters show that he is a fake creationist. I lack belie f that he is a Christian. Modified from an image at Morguefile by cbcs But this is not about that sidewinder and his fictitious story. Instead, we're talking about Denis Lamoureux, who rejected biblical creation and embraced theistic evolution. The only way to get millions of years and evolution out of the Bible is to put them in through eisegesis. Like the character described above...