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Showing posts with the label Earth Day

Modern Pagans Worship the Earth Goddess

Names like Mother Earth  or Mother Nature  stem from worship of the goddess Gaia (or Terra), and radical environmentalists are enthusiastically participating. These acts of worship are entirely manufactured by leftists seeking political power and control. Reducing your "carbon footprint" and other things only exist in the imaginations of modern paganism. Indeed, any kind of idolatry is based on imagination and pretending a false deity has desires. It is interesting that Mother Earth must be appeased when she "righteously" uses acts of nature to kill many people, but many environmentalists hate God and blame him. Socha Gaia, Wikimedia Commons / V.odchazel ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) One excuse for denying God his rightful worship is that he makes too many demands, but the modern invention of Gaia is demanding and capricious. Aside from the fact that God made rules for his glory but also our benefit, he also wants us to be stewards of creation: Take care of the earth, subdue an...

Species Extinctions, Earth Day, and Christian Stewardship

Earth Day was established on Lenin's 100th birthday and is most definitely not  just a good idea for conservation and care of the planet. Political and economic Machiavellian machinations aside, however, many people sincerely want to do good things for the world. I thought you otter know that this photo was taken by  Joe Tomoleoni for the USGS (Also, I hope you sea that usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Unfortunately, the environmental movement is saturated with evolutionary thinking. That is, humans and other living things ultimately came from a common ancestor. To be consistent, why should we care that various species are becoming extinct or are endangered? We crawled to the top of the food chain, so we should reign supreme and do whatever we please, right? Fortunately, secularists, pagans, evolutionists, and others are not  consistent. Christians (and especially biblical creationists) should care about the environment — God has created us in his imag...

The Environment, Science, and the Dominion Mandate

There is a term use about a biblical principle that may seem scary to some people. It is called the dominion mandate. It may sound like one of those political doctrines for the abuse of power like the divine right of kings or eminent domain , but the dominion mandate is a term for our Creator's command to understand and care about the world he has given us. Credit: Unsplash / Dylan Sauerwein Shortly after God created Adam and Eve, he told them, essentially, "See this nice planet I gave you? Reproduce (critters are to do this also), fill the earth, and get it under control". He did not tell them to run rampant and trash the place so he could be like a modern parent and clean up after his spoiled offspring. No, we are responsible to our Creator for how we care for the world. To do that, we must also learn about and understand many things. It is interesting that Jesus indicated this aspect as well! It’s noteworthy that this was God’s first commandment to the man an...