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Showing posts with the label Dinosaurs

The Reality of Leviathan

The identities of two critters in the biblical book of Job, behemoth and leviathan, cause a passel of speculation and debate. Biblical creationists point out that the detailed descriptions do not match anything living today, and compromise into evolutionary thinking has many church folks rejecting the probability that the Bible mentions dinosaurs. No, not by that word because Richard Owen did not coin it until 1842. As we have seen through history and archaeology, the Bible has been vindicated over and over. Mosasaurus trading card There are several candidates for the identity of leviathan including a crocodilian, pliosaur, and a mosasaurus. The contention is not that those animals existed, but that humans lived at the same time as they did. Worse for deep time thinking, there are fossils all over the world that had to have been buried rapidly in the Genesis Flood. No, this is not about the Loch Ness Monster. It’s not about any other claims of living creatures that resemble dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Feathers and Discerning Creationist Teachings

Something very important and practical in many areas of life that biblical creationists encourage people to do is use discernment and critical thinking. We cannot accept someone's say-so because we like them, they profess to be authorities, are creationists, are Christians, or other reasons. While the leadership in the secular science industry has an atheistic agenda, what about Christians and creationists? There are indeed wolves among us (such as theistic evolutionists who identify as "evolutionary creationists"), sometimes mistakes are made. We have to watch for deceit as well as errors. Feathered dinosaur, Flickr / Aaron Gustafson ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunny In many instances, trust has to be earned. Do you trust me? If so, why? It could be that you like my writing style, accept my Statement of Faith , agree with much of the content, approve of linked sources, or whatever. Perhaps you apply those criteria other authors. But you must still use discernment

Eden and the Dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs and the Bible are subjects frequently cussed and discussed regarding biblical creation science views, but because of secular propaganda, they are usually rejected out of hand by many people. Declarations of how dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years are in all sorts of media. These include science documentaries, children's programming, news reports, science journals (as expected), advertisements and more. Christians are often swayed by evolutionary material and dismiss what God's Word says without thinking. Dinosaur image from RGBstock /  Adrian van Leen Of course, a scoffer might say, "Hey, there was no death in the beginning. What if an Ultrasaurus didn't watch where it was going and stomped on Adam? Haw, haw, haw!" If someone like that is going to use our presuppositions to register a complaint, they should be consistent and use what the Bible actually teaches. Some rational thought would also be helpful. Even so, an honest inquirer may won

Animals and Dinosaurs on Noah's Ark

There are people who promote compromise views against creation and in favor of an old earth. However, the ×žַבּוּל ( mabbul , the Hebrew word that is used only for the Genesis Flood) was very destructive and caused what is seen in geology today. Secularists and churchian compromisers adhere to uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes), so they cannot have the global deluge in their paradigms. Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Cimerondagert  ( CC by-SA 4.0 ) The Bible makes it clear that the earth was created in six literal days, and that the Flood was global, not local. Those who ridicule biblical creationists have problems with biblical authority, and since we know believers by their fruit, they need to examine themselves to see if they are indeed in the faith. That's right, I said it!  Atheists, Deists, and old earthers ride for the same brand. Why is that? Mayhaps they prefer the praise of men over the praise of God. It may come as a shock, but the global Flood had both punishmen

Secularists Using Dinosaurs to Indoctrinate Children

Now there is a provocative title! Believers in an old Earth, evolution, and similar things are probably clutching their pearls while expressing their outrage. Secularists (and many professing Christians, unfortunately) insist that deep time is a scientific fact . We must teach children real science, right? Credit: Flickr / Marco Verch ( CC BY 2.0 ) What is actually happening is that children (as well as the rest of us) are being given stories based on naturalistic interpretations about the past; there is no actual empirical evidence that obliges us to believe that the earth is billions of years old. Children have been enamored with dinosaurs for many years, and this has been increasing in recent years. It is not surprising to find a youngster who can rattle off the names, secular dates, locations, and more of those terrible lizards. Movies and merchandising helped fuel the interest of many people. (I wonder how many were annoyed when the Jurassic Park movies made the Velociraptors

Behemoth Baffles Bible Scholars

If in Job 40:15 behemoth was simply noted and God moved on, it is easy to assume that Bible readers and scholars would have imply written it off as some animal of which Job was aware. The confusion results from the further descriptions of behemoth in the rest of the chapter. Image cropped from Pixabay /  Ladycoffee There are several reasons why scholars and us reg'lar folk may wonder what that beasie is, what with having immense power and a tail like a cedar. The first is that the Bible does use real animals and names in symbolic passages, such as Rahab (Joshua 6:25, Isaiah 51:9) and Leviathan (Job 41:1, Isaiah 27:1). Since the behemoth was unknown, maybe this was something strictly symbolic. But that doesn't fit with the text because God was not referring to mythical or symbolic creatures. A second reason people are baffled is because this animal is unknown and apparently no biblical references exist outside the book of Job. Biblical creationists believe that the text

God Made Monsters Too

Bible believers know that God made every kind of critter. Some of those we think are ugly or creepy (they probably have unflattering thoughts about us as well), or even downright scary, take some people a bit of time to appreciate. (My wife isn't fond of when I talk about fascinating traits in reptiles.) Some creatures we think of as monsters . Credit: RGBstock /  Adrian van Leen It's a fair question to ask why God would make monsters. He has his plans, and many things we consider to be monsters are not dangerous after all, while other cute and pretty things can be deadly. In the beginning, there was no predation; T Rex  may have been a fierce melon eater! Aside from movies and television shows showing scary monsters, actual monsters are a matter of perception. There is another kind of monster to consider: that taniwha on the inside of us, prompting us to sin, be imprisoned by our fears, and more. We have that sin nature, you see, the product of living in a fallen wor

Dinosaurs, Evolution, and Christianity

Dinosaurs are often used to promote evolutionism, which in turn has caused some professing Christians to jump the fence and run off into compromise — and even outright atheism. Christians need to know what and why they believe, and be able to reason from both Scripture and true science when confronted with what seems to be evidence against their beliefs. One of these apparent contradictions that puts a burr under the saddles of some folks is the idea that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time, and not millions of years apart. Credit: Pixabay / aitoff Christians who are grounded in the Word and have some critical thinking skills will strap on the feedbag of serious investigation. After all, we have the internet and a large number of printed material, videos, and more from biblical creation science ministries. Then we can see the assumptions and just-so stories behind evolutionary pronouncements, and learn that creationary accounts correctly handle not only Scripture, but

Video: Dinosaurs and the Bible

A short video discussing dinosaurs and the Bible. Several basic questions are answered. Some people might be surprised to find out that the fossil record is actually a friend of the Bible! I hope this encourages people to check out creationist sites and find out more. Piltdown Superman (this site points to other biblical creationist sites) Institute for Creation Research Creation Ministries International Answers in Genesis Apologetics Press