Now there is a provocative title! Believers in an old Earth, evolution, and similar things are probably clutching their pearls while expressing their outrage. Secularists (and many professing Christians, unfortunately) insist that deep time is a scientific fact. We must teach children real science, right?
Credit: Flickr / Marco Verch (CC BY 2.0) |
What is actually happening is that children (as well as the rest of us) are being given stories based on naturalistic interpretations about the past; there is no actual empirical evidence that obliges us to believe that the earth is billions of years old.
Children have been enamored with dinosaurs for many years, and this has been increasing in recent years. It is not surprising to find a youngster who can rattle off the names, secular dates, locations, and more of those terrible lizards.
Movies and merchandising helped fuel the interest of many people. (I wonder how many were annoyed when the Jurassic Park movies made the Velociraptors much larger than real: the size of turkeys?) Those dinosaurs bring along evolutionary tall tales, opinions taught as facts.
With such concentration and repetition of evolutionary propaganda, plus being confined for many hours a day over several years in secular indoctrination centers operated by the Ministry of Truth, no wonder children are rejecting the truth of the Bible. Especially the creation account, since they are brainwashed into accepting the latest secular religions myths of origins.
Atheists and evolutionists hypocritically say that Christian parents are the ones doing the brainwashing because we teach biblical truth. Or should be doing so! In fact, dinosaurs can be a starting point to teach the truth of creation, essentially making dinosaurs into missionary lizards.
I know that children love dinosaurs because of the great demand for dinosaur books, posters, toys, costumes, DVDs, movies, character memorabilia etc. If you were to search the internet under the category “books” for the topic “dinosaurs” you would find that over 53,000 titles (at last count) are available. A statistical sampling of the contents of those 53,000 titles result in the conclusion that nearly all of these titles were written with atheistic presuppositions and within the secular worldview that is founded on the ideas of naturalism (evolution and millions of years).
Let me remind you of the atheistic presuppositions in play here:
Let me remind you that you can see the full article at "Children & Dinosaurs".