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Showing posts with the label demons

Restraining the Demons

People often use the word demon  metaphorically to describe recurring tormets, such as dealing with the demons in their lives. Many also believe that demons are literal beings who were cast out of Heaven during the rebellion of Satan. What do they look like? While people may think those scary nightmare-fuel being depicted in modern art, comic books, movies, and such, the reality can be far different. Satan and his minions can take whatever appearance suits them so they can influence and affect people. Tamara and Demon by Konstantin Makovsky, 1889 Perhaps the extreme portrayals of the devil and demons are one reason people disbelieve in their existence (similar to  toy boat depictions of Noah's Ark contribute to rejections of the real thing). Strangely enough, people try to not only disbelieve but also believe at the same time — including atheists . If demons want to be glowing-eyed scary, they will. Or fleeting shadows. Or space aliens. Or preachers in nice suits (consider 2...

Taming the Monsters we Face

The season of fear. Although people watch horror movies throughout the year, many put a great deal of effort and money into celebrating images of evil and death on Halloween. Long ago, this child was into it. Now I dislike it, and I reckon part of the reason is that I hate fear. Have you ever watched a movie about werewolves, demons, or other monsters of darkness and then glanced around your home with unease? We know they are imaginary, but we still get the heebie-jeebies after watching a show. Pixabay /  Lothar Dieterich When people prepare for the "zombie apocalypse", I think most consider it as fun, but it seems that some really believe it's possible. (Are they really unaware that the zombie mythos is based on movies, and that it has little resemblance to zombie folklore based on Haitian voodoo?) The Centers for Disease Control used the fad to promote the more serious subject of disaster preparedness . Nothing to fear here, Horace. Speaking of mythologies, there are se...

The Spiritual Realm, UFOs, and Dark Matter?

When people say that something is spiritual, the connotation is of wispy and ghostlike things, or simply the unseen. Since we are spiritual beings that live in bodies, that concept is not quite right. There is also the spiritual realm  that theologians and others have discussed for many years. Where is that? Despite being materialists, secularists know that there is more to people than just being meat machines. They have tried to find the soul and the origin of consciousness , but were doomed to failure from the get-go because of their presuppositions. UFO at night via PxHere People are beginning to realize what some Christians have been saying for a long time: UFOs (well, now the term is Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) are of a spiritual, not physical, nature. Spirit beings such as angels and demons can pop into our realm from the one in which they live and show themselves — or be active and unseen. Some of us contend that UFOs and space aliens are demonic. It has been suggested t...

Unexplained Paranormal Activities 2 — The Spirit of It

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  In Part 1 , we looked at how paranormal activities are on the increase, and much of it appears to be documented in videos. While many on YouTube say they are for entertainment, many are treated as if they were factual. There are many reasons to reject them. The reasons include suspicious presentations, video qualities, and circumstances. Also involved are mistakes and faulty reasoning on the part of the presenters as well as those who comment. Today, we will look at reasons to take some of them seriously. More importantly, we'll look at the spirit behind them. Modified from an image by Pete Linforth [ 42 ] on Pixabay Reasons to Consider the Videos It must be terribly frustrating and disheartening to have an experience and catch it on video (decent cameras on smartphones and elsewhere are  so  common), then have people poke holes in it. Although a passel of allegedly supernatural videos are fake, what is a sincere person to do? They  know ...

Unexplained Paranormal Activities 1 — Those Videos

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Since this article is long, it is also available as a PDF to view or download here . There have been numerous reports of supernatural activities throughout most of recorded history, but most have been laughed off. Many can be dismissed as the result of hysteria, imagination, mental illness, hoaxes, double exposures in old photographs, and more. Nobody believes in ghosts or other spirits today because we are rational people, right? Not hardly! Interest in the paranormal has been on the rise, and even some professing atheists express belief [ 1 ]. With modern recording techniques, videos are plentiful. Unsplash / Zachary Kandolph [ 2 ] (modified) People have said that TikTok itself is demonic because there are so many spooky videos recorded with it. I disagree. Smartphones and apps are ubiquitous, and apparently that one is easy to use. What we are seeing is not a demonic app, but a reflection of the increase in supernatural activity on Earth. I have spent a gr...

Video Miniseries: UFOs, Aliens, and Genesis

There is a four-part miniseries by biblical creationist Ian Juby that originally aired on the Miracle Channel in North Texas — I mean, Canada — and when it became available on his Wazooloo YouTube channel, I shared the episodes on The Question Evolution Project . The episodes are about half an hour each, so I wanted to do this post and make the links convenient. Title added to a screenshot from one of the videos. Used without permission. For a long time, flying saucers or unidentified flying objects were considered the stuff of someone who was crazy as a loon. While there were legends of aerial phenomena long ago, it took off (heh!) in about the 1950s. While some were hoaxes, mistakes, and occasional insanity, not all can be easily dismissed. Reporter and radio announcer commenced to doing some investigating, and I remember reading his 1966 book Flying Saucers — Serious Business  (which  Amazon is disingenuously marketing as a 2017 publication , fifty years after Edwards die...

Demons and Secular Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Materialists contradict themselves by claiming that there is no God, spirits, or anything supernatural, and then they try to explain the soul and their version of free will (which is impossible from an evolutionary worldview ). Ironically, atheists have their own miracles of sorts, but they deny God.  Sure, we see some self-styled ghost hunters on television attempting to obtain electromagnetic, infrared, and other readings of supposedly haunted places. Those do not amount to much. Can secularists ride the trail and scientifically study demons, which they believe do not exist? Kind of difficult with their materialistic presuppositions and bad logic, such as, "Since there are some fakers, there are no spirits at all". I can show you some angry atheopaths that have blasphemed each person of the Trinity, and are demonically possessed. Credit: Pixabay / Pete Linforth The Parkland school shooter, Nikolas Cruz, said he had a demon telling him to k...

Astral Beings and Aliens

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Years ago, I had a fascination for occult-related things. Even though I was a Christian (albeit with a weak theological foundation), I studied and thought I could do a "white magic" thing and be a force for good, or something like that. I never had an out-of-the-body experience, saw a ghost, encountered a UFO, or anything like that. God delivered me from occult involvement , but my studies from a Christian worldview have been beneficial at times. This is a very broad topic, and scores of books have been written on it. I have to confine myself to a few comments on some of these subjects. Credit: Pixabay / Karen Smits Every once in a while, I have some odd coincidences happen in my life. Sometimes I think God is trying to get my attention. In this case, I had recently written and posted my review of the movie Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception . The movie makes a very strong case (using science, theology, and more) that personal encounters...

The Spirit of the Thing

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Decades ago, I thought that I could use occult methods and still be a Bible-believing Christian. My mental image was almost comic book, where I would be using "good" magic against the forces of evil, complete with eerie glows and bolts of force emitting from my hands (Amos 3.3 NKJV). (If this had happened in modern times, I would probably have had a Harry Potter image of myself.) I had several errors going on in my naïve mind. One error was basic wishful thinking; I wanted certain things to be true, despite the Bible's admonitions against magic and occult practices (Deut. 18.9-12a, Isaiah 9.19-20, Jer. 27.9-10). There was no distinction between "white" and "black" magic, all was forbidden and condemned. I justified my opinions because I believed that the Old Testament does not apply to Christians. Of course, I ignored the fact that those warnings were there for a deeper reason that to just keep Israel separate from...

Book Review: The Influence

This is also published at "Stormbringer's Thunder". The front door sticks a bit. When opened, a sort of crackling or ripping noise happens suddenly, and is gone in less than a second. I am sitting in the living room chair, reading. Rrrippp! I was so absorbed by the book that I felt like I could have jumped over the chair... Buon giorno.  I am not exactly comfortable with doing book reviews, since I have done so few of them. Especially fiction. That may be to my advantage, however. I'll just be myself instead of using some kind of formula and say what I think, but not ruin the story for anyone, capice? This is the first ebook that I purchased. I was so certain that I was going to get the Kindle that I bought the e-book before I even owned the Kindle. Are you flattered, Mr. Slick? Yes, that's right, Rev. Matt Slick . The same guy that I talk about, link to and give you audio excerpts from is also an author. And yes, it's his real name (he learned th...