by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Materialists contradict themselves by claiming that there is no God, spirits, or anything supernatural, and then they try to explain the soul and their version of free will (which is impossible from an evolutionary worldview). Ironically, atheists have their own miracles of sorts, but they deny God.
Sure, we see some self-styled ghost hunters on television attempting to obtain electromagnetic, infrared, and other readings of supposedly haunted places. Those do not amount to much. Can secularists ride the trail and scientifically study demons, which they believe do not exist? Kind of difficult with their materialistic presuppositions and bad logic, such as, "Since there are some fakers, there are no spirits at all". I can show you some angry atheopaths that have blasphemed each person of the Trinity, and are demonically possessed.
The Parkland school shooter, Nikolas Cruz, said he had a demon telling him to kill and destroy. His account sounds like a case of mental illness. From a Christian perspective, we need to consider the possibility of demonic influence, but I'll allow that it is unlikely in this case.
A study of Ouija boards was done by Thomas Hoffman. You know, that thing you scoot around on a board with an alphabet that also has symbols as well as a yes and no? Many people claim to have contacted spirits. This scientist wrote it is all in the minds of the users. What pusillanimous drivel!
I've told my account elsewhere of living in an apartment complex and hearing the teenagers across the hall messing with a Ouija board. They didn't know I was there. I went outside and prayed with authority, and shut the wicked thing down. Then I heard them wondering why the thing stopped. I explained why, and also explained the gospel to them.
A woman's daughter and a friend were playing with one of those boards, and the woman was invited to join in. As time went on, they learned the name of the person that the spirit was impersonating, how he died by suicide, where he had lived, and more. They contacted some of his relatives online and verified the story. As more time passed, the spirit did not like the woman's current boyfriend, and she was physically assaulted by an unseen power, knocked backward in her chair to the floor. They ended Ouija involvement at that point, but she felt a presence for quite some time after that.
My interference was not something in the minds of those teenagers, and people like Hoffman would be hard pressed to explain it away. Also, he would not be able to explain how previously unknown people and facts were learned from a distance, or the force that assaulted the woman. Mere dismissal is not an explanation, old son.
"What does a demon look like, Cowboy Bob?"
Whatever it thinks will be the most influential, and not in red pajamas with horns and a pitchfork! I heard a story about demons that took the forms of the rock stars in the group Kiss, because that was someone's focus in life. Others can be the stuff of movies, with fangs and glowing eyes. What I think is worse is that they can be beautiful, like their master (2 Corinthians 11:14, Ezekiel 28:17). Despite all this, I fully believe that most people will not actually see a demon or angel.
Studying demons and angels can be fascinating and even helpful, but Satan likes a couple of things. One is for people to believe that he does not exist. Another is for people to become so obsessed with studies of angels and demons, they drift away from their Creator who gave them life. Those who have had demonic activities, whether through direct occult involvement or demons pretending to be can test the spirits: "Who is Jesus Christ?" (1 John 4:1-3).
Materialists contradict themselves by claiming that there is no God, spirits, or anything supernatural, and then they try to explain the soul and their version of free will (which is impossible from an evolutionary worldview). Ironically, atheists have their own miracles of sorts, but they deny God.
Sure, we see some self-styled ghost hunters on television attempting to obtain electromagnetic, infrared, and other readings of supposedly haunted places. Those do not amount to much. Can secularists ride the trail and scientifically study demons, which they believe do not exist? Kind of difficult with their materialistic presuppositions and bad logic, such as, "Since there are some fakers, there are no spirits at all". I can show you some angry atheopaths that have blasphemed each person of the Trinity, and are demonically possessed.
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Credit: Pixabay / Pete Linforth |
A study of Ouija boards was done by Thomas Hoffman. You know, that thing you scoot around on a board with an alphabet that also has symbols as well as a yes and no? Many people claim to have contacted spirits. This scientist wrote it is all in the minds of the users. What pusillanimous drivel!
I've told my account elsewhere of living in an apartment complex and hearing the teenagers across the hall messing with a Ouija board. They didn't know I was there. I went outside and prayed with authority, and shut the wicked thing down. Then I heard them wondering why the thing stopped. I explained why, and also explained the gospel to them.
A woman's daughter and a friend were playing with one of those boards, and the woman was invited to join in. As time went on, they learned the name of the person that the spirit was impersonating, how he died by suicide, where he had lived, and more. They contacted some of his relatives online and verified the story. As more time passed, the spirit did not like the woman's current boyfriend, and she was physically assaulted by an unseen power, knocked backward in her chair to the floor. They ended Ouija involvement at that point, but she felt a presence for quite some time after that.
My interference was not something in the minds of those teenagers, and people like Hoffman would be hard pressed to explain it away. Also, he would not be able to explain how previously unknown people and facts were learned from a distance, or the force that assaulted the woman. Mere dismissal is not an explanation, old son.
"What does a demon look like, Cowboy Bob?"
Whatever it thinks will be the most influential, and not in red pajamas with horns and a pitchfork! I heard a story about demons that took the forms of the rock stars in the group Kiss, because that was someone's focus in life. Others can be the stuff of movies, with fangs and glowing eyes. What I think is worse is that they can be beautiful, like their master (2 Corinthians 11:14, Ezekiel 28:17). Despite all this, I fully believe that most people will not actually see a demon or angel.
Studying demons and angels can be fascinating and even helpful, but Satan likes a couple of things. One is for people to believe that he does not exist. Another is for people to become so obsessed with studies of angels and demons, they drift away from their Creator who gave them life. Those who have had demonic activities, whether through direct occult involvement or demons pretending to be can test the spirits: "Who is Jesus Christ?" (1 John 4:1-3).
One cannot make predictions about what a mind will do. Secular scientists mock belief in angels and demons, but they have their own occult beliefs.To finish reading, click on "Can Science Study Demonology?"
Science cannot study what it doesn’t believe is real. Secular cosmologists believe dark matter and dark energy are real, but cannot see them. They believe angels and demons are unreal, but then have to account for things that defy natural explanations. Let’s see how they do.