When Adam and Eve sinned in Eden, the the curse came on all of creation (Rom. 8:22, 5:12). One part of the curse was that thorns (which are modified leaves, stems, roots, and so forth) are some of what Adam would contend with when he worked the ground (Gen. 3:17-19). Credit: Pixabay / kalhh Jesus wore a crown of thorns (Matt. 27:29) as a part of the Crucifixion. The Creator of the universe humbled himself, taking the form of a man, died on a cross (Phil. 2:8). The crown of thorns is one of many symbols used in Scripture, and thorns are used many times. What does this mean in our redemption? The thorns and thistles introduced in Genesis 3 pose significant problems for Christians who do not take Genesis as real history, as it is intended. If, as long-age secular geologists claim, the earth took billions of years of slow and gradual processes to reach its current form, then we have to conclude that thorns found in the fossil record are also millions of years old. This would mean
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