For some reason, many professing Christians are determined to get long ages out of the first two chapters of Genesis. The word under fire is yôm , which means literal day (or part of a day) when qualifiers are used, otherwise it can mean an indefinite period of time. Why those people want to take the only word that can mean literal day and confuse the issue so they can have millions of years in Genesis is baffling. They take the rest of Genesis and the Old Testament at face value, relying on context, when yôm is used. Bible and pathway, Unsplash / Aaron Burden If God wanted to indicate long ages, there are other words available. Several popular efforts have been made to compromise with the enemies of God and make creation seem to be older than God's Word tells us. (Do they really believe the Bible, or is it just for show?) These compromises include the " Gap Theory ," the " Framework Hypothesis ," theistic evolution, and others. One of the others is the po...
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