As we saw before, misotheists and professing Christians with a liberal bent sometimes say that the ancient Hebrews believed the sky was a solid dome, and the waters were above it (Gen. 1:6-8). This idea falls apart under examination . Further, some owlhoots say the ancient Hebrews borrowed mythologies from their pagan neighbors. C'mon, man, that's malarkey! The song " Denomination Blues " by Washington Phillips has a line, ". . . you can go to the college, and you can go to the school, but if you ain't got Jesus you're an educated fool." That fits what has happened. Sun-God Tablet, Wikimedia Commons / Zunkir ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Somehow, it seems to be intellectual to denigrate the Bible — especially Genesis. Such thinking also assumes ancient people were stupid because they had recently evolved. It does a disservice to the monotheistic Jews, and other near-Eastern myths are found in the Bible. These "educated" people had proof of what Mesopo...
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