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Showing posts with the label Christmas

Helping when the Light Grows Dim

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  On Christmas Eve 2024, I attended the evening church service. Scriptures read, songssung, sermon preached. The conclusion brought everything home to the attenders, as on the way in, we were given small candles with clear plastic cups as shields. The lights were dimmed and the pastor took his flame from the Advent candle. He then lit the candles of other people. It did not take long before the sanctuary had many glows, then we sang "Silent Night." But there was almost a problem. Candle at Christmas Eve service (cropped), Unsplash / Zac Cain Having a view from the balcony, I saw that someone below was having a problem. Her light was dimming and there would be no flame in just a few seconds. She was given help from the person next to her, and I saw an illustration of something that should be  a major part of every Christian's life. Centuries ago, I heard a sermon that exhorted Christians to be "need meters." Aside from the silly mental image...

Why Christmas Happened at All

Once again, people in the Western world get wrapped up their traditions and habits to supposedly celebrate Christmas. If you study on it, God is probably not glorified by people being frantic and going into debt buying presents out of obligation. I reckon that the coddling of miscreant waifs is not pleasing to him, either —  especially since both adults and children are probably unable to give more than a thirty-second answer as to what Christmas means. We all need to learn about and focus on what is truly important. Nativity scene, Unsplash / Debby Hudson People are likely to know of the virgin birth, but more precisely, it's the virgin conception that is a miracle. That was a big part of God's perfect timing, which was prophesied back in Genesis 3:15 and in many other places of the Bible (I like how the birthplace of Jesus was foretold in Micah 5:2, as Micah was not a "major" prophet, nor was Bethlehem a big, important city.) Jesus had to be  a descendant of Adam s...

Christmas and the Big Picture

At this writing, we are in the final days before Christmas 2022. From the condition of the formerly United States to other parts of the world, and even in the lives of individuals, some people are not feeling it. Put up the tree, watch some movies, buy presents. Depression is rampant at Christmas. We get focused on our obligations, our problems, our ailments. All those songs about feeling happy seem to make things worse for some of us. I reckon that the problem is not with Christmas (how can it be?), but with our focus. Bible and Christmas, Pixabay / congerdesign It's time to saddle up and ride to the top of the hill and get the big picture. The big stores, songs about "the most wonderful time of the year" (which are nonsensical outside certain latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere anyway), other trappings are add-ons or even corruptions of the true meaning of Christmas. It is far, far greater in its scope and impact than people can imagine, and prophesied back in Genesis!...

The Creator-Savior and Christmas

Other biblical creationists and I like to point out the mirific act of God the Son, Creator of the universe (Col. 1:16, John 1:1-3, Heb. 1:2-3), humbling himself to take the form of the man Jesus (Phil. 2:4-11). He did not just pop into existence, but was born of Mary, a virgin (Matt. 1:23). People sing songs about Santa Claus and lie to their children (the  real Nicholas  was a godly man), making him a demigod that rewards good behavior with toys once a year. Secularists obscure the true meaning of Christmas with sentiment. The truth is known to some extent by many professing Christians: Jesus came into the world to save us. But what does that really mean? Far too many people make salvation into a means of gain, a way to be a good person, be happy, get the most out of life right now. In some cultures, "accepting Jesus" is taken to mean, "Add Jesus to your list of gods", but without emphasizing that false gods must be forsaken, and surrendering to the lordship of Ch...

Christmas — Relatively Speaking

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  For a short time, there was a series of captioned pictures often called "Unimpressed Astronaut" where the image was condescending about, for example, sky diving . There are many comparisons that people make, and getting some perspective can be a good thing at times.  Adoration of the Shepherds , Giorgione, ca. 1505 We had the winter's first serious cold spell, reaching low temperatures of two degrees Fahrenheit (almost minus 17 Celsius). It was cold for us , especially since winter did not hit our area all that hard until the week of December 17, 2020. People in Montana and other states would be saying, "That's cute". So would many in Canada, eh? Or Siberia, such as in this two-minute video which, for some reason, suddenly became age restricted but I see no problem whatsoever with showing it to children: So, some things that may seem like a big deal to one person are not all that impressive to another. Indeed, what is considered pover...

Hope at Christmas

Some of us get depressed at Christmas. Perhaps we are missing friends and family, or we could be thinking of those who have passed on. Maybe that very un-Jewish manger scene gets you down. There are other circumstances that can get us down. However, Christians can remember the hope that we have. Credit: Unsplash / Tim Mossholder Step up on the hill and get a bigger picture. We have all sinned (Rom. 3:23, Rom. 6:23) against the holy and righteous God, yet he has mercy on us. God the Son is the Creator (Col. 1:16, John 1:1-3), who humbled himself and took on human form (Phil 2:6-11) and died for us while we were yet sinners (Rom. 5:8). He bodily rose from the dead (Luke 24:6-7, Acts 2:32) and we are adopted as children of God (John 1:12-13, Rom. 8:15-17). Yes, we have our down times, worse for some than others. We need to lift our focus off ourselves and our circumstances and remember what God has told us. We do have hope. Not only at Christmas, but always. Even though some of...

Prophecies and the Bible

Something that inspires awe and faith in Christians, but consternation and excuse-making in professing atheists, is biblical prophecy. In simplest terms, a prophet is someone sent by God to proclaim his message. (There are quite a few qualifiers, however.) People think a prophet primarily foretells the future, but that is only a part of his job. Credit: Freeimages / John Harris Pe There are far too many self-appointed "prophets" who contradict Scripture. God made it clear that Scripture is God breathed , and a prophet must be right every time. These modern sidewinders are not only presumptuous in announcing, "God said to me...", but are often vague, and have a terrible record for accuracy. If they tried their shenanigans in ancient Israel, they wouldn't live long (Deuteronomy 18:20-22). God himself prophesied directly about the coming Redeemer in Genesis 3:15. I'll allow that prophesy is a difficult subject, since some were far in the future, such ...

The Mysterious Magi

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It's kind of sad that the manger scenes we have are wrong. Well, not exactly wrong, just...not exactly accurate. I had one of those barn things with figurines and three plastic wise men on camels. When I learned that the magi were not there to see the birth of Jesus and arrived much later (possibly even two years later), I put the figurines away from the manger scene and said, "They're on their way". Kind of difficult to include them in a Christmas celebration if you're going to be a stickler for historical accuracy, but that's just me. Adoration Of The Magi , Sandro Botticelli, 1500 We know the song about the "three kings of orient are", but who were they, really? There are a passel of traditions and opinions about them. The only reference we have to the magi (wise men) is in Matthew 2:1-12, but we can't justify the tradition of three  wise men on camels. Three gifts  are mentioned, but no camels (although that...

Why Do Cults Shun Christmas?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 10-23-2015 Most Christians (and many non-Christians) celebrate Christmas. There are some Christians who choose to avoid it. Unfortunately, there are also legalistic, judgmental Christians who scorn those of us who choose to celebrate, but this is based on a misunderstanding of Scripture and history (and maybe a prideful desire to feel "better" than others). Some of those people are influenced by atheistic dishonesty and cult propaganda. I've seen cults actually start with a foundation of blatant lies, and then build an "argument" against Christmas with "logic" that is cringe-worthy. Some legalistic Christians (as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses) proudly assert that everyone else is wrong and they  are right in avoiding Christmas. They assert alleged pagan associations with the holiday, and even torture the text of Jeremiah 10:1-16 to get it to confess that Christmas trees are evil. Except that their use is a...

Christianity Is Faith In Action

 Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king Do you know what I know? In your palace warm mighty king Do you know what I know A child, a child Shivers in the cold Let us bring him silver and gold... — from "Do You Hear What I Hear", by Noël Regney This article will have two parts. First, some comments about the Christmas holiday itself, and then some practical, year-round observations. The war on Christmas seems to get more intense every year. Atheist organizations put up billboards mocking Christmas (and Christians) , which is a brilliant move to improve the image of atheists. (Good without God? Nope. Waste of money? Yup.) Christmas cards from school children to troops are banned by the US Department of Veterans Affairs for having "religious" content . Santa Monica, California, bans their 60-year nativity tradition . Many merchants are unfriendly to Christmas, and customers are encouraged to avoid them . A Mohammedan bigot says that saying "Me...

Christmas and Genesis — What's the Connection?

Hope you are having a great Christmas, and taking time to reflect on the true meaning. If the festivities have quieted down and you want to take some time to think on these things, I have two items for your consideration. Many of us know that Jesus is the Creator of the universe (John 1.3, Col. 1.16-18) and can be overwhelmed that God cares about his creation (Psalm 8.4, Psalm 19.1, Luke 2.11). But there is more to it than this. Did you know that mixing evolution and "deep time" do violence with the gospel message itself? Two help increase your understanding, please see  this article, "Christmas and Genesis" .