by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
For a short time, there was a series of captioned pictures often called "Unimpressed Astronaut" where the image was condescending about, for example, sky diving. There are many comparisons that people make, and getting some perspective can be a good thing at times.
Adoration of the Shepherds, Giorgione, ca. 1505 |
We had the winter's first serious cold spell, reaching low temperatures of two degrees Fahrenheit (almost minus 17 Celsius). It was cold for us, especially since winter did not hit our area all that hard until the week of December 17, 2020. People in Montana and other states would be saying, "That's cute". So would many in Canada, eh? Or Siberia, such as in this two-minute video which, for some reason, suddenly became age restricted but I see no problem whatsoever with showing it to children:
So, some things that may seem like a big deal to one person are not all that impressive to another. Indeed, what is considered poverty level in these here formerly United States is almost luxurious to poverty in places like India — relatively speaking.
Postmodern philosophy uses relative morality, which is self-refuting. Indeed, the apostle Paul slapped down the idea of people comparing themselves with each other (2 Cor. 10:12). It is not uncommon to have misotheists say, "I'm a good person. I don't do this or that, and I've done all these wonderful things...and I'm better than a lot of Christians!" Assuming that the professing atheist (who was lying earlier in a comments section) was being honest, so what?
Original image: Unsplash / Jared Rice |
When a misotheist accuses a creationist of "lying about evolution", ask why, if that is true, would it be wrong according to an atheistic worldview. After all, we're just bundles of chemicals, meat machines, doing what biology dictates. We're doing what we think improves our survival and comfort. The atheist is actually appealing to an ultimate standard and is not being consistent with a postmodernist or materialist "truth is relative" philosophy!
On a superficial level, people say that gods have powers above mere mortals, then equate Yahweh with those other ones. Not hardly! Look at mythology and see that those gods were capricious, spiteful, lusted after humans, deceivers, and more. For the most part, they didn't care about humans who were simply trifles for their amusements.
There is nothing relative about the importance of Christmas, and nothing like it in mythology, either. God the Son humbled himself and left his glory behind, humbling himself and taking on the form of a man. Mary the virgin conceived and gave birth to Jesus. His humiliation went further, to death on the cross. He was bodily raised in glory three days later, and he sent the Holy Spirit to indwell believers. We are waiting for his return and the blessed hope, not an eternal dirt nap. No mythological gods had anything like that to offer. Neither does the hopelessness of atheism.
Nothing relative about it, nothing remotely similar with any of those false gods. They don't love us, nor do they want our repentance. It's simple, because they don't exist. We have excellent reasons to celebrate Christmas!