One of the purposes of presuppositional apologetics is to prompt people to consider their own worldviews and assumptions. Angry misotheists have told me that creationists are lying about evolution, so I ask them if that was true, what would be wrong with it?
Original image source: Unsplash / Jared Rice |
Also seen are comments on posts that show scientific geological reasons to believe in the Genesis Flood, but atheopaths refuse to actually read the material and ridicule biblical creationists. In essence, we're wrong because atheism. This is based on hardcore presuppositions of deep time and naturalism.
As Dr. Greg Bahnsen, Dr. Jason Lisle, and others have stated, "Atheism is incoherent and lacks the preconditions of human experience". Only biblical Christianity can provide a consistent worldview, including morality and ethics. When a secularists complain about something they consider wrong or immoral, they have to stand on the biblical worldview. After all, according to naturalism, we are just bundles of chemicals and there is no right or wrong!
Refusal to consider evidence that disputes someone's narrative is contrary to science. If evidence is wrong, show us why instead of labeling creationists as "science haters" and global warming skeptics as "climate deniers". We have some tinhorns that want to essentially vaccinate us with their beliefs so we will resist facts that may turn out to be true and their narrative proven false. This includes the Wuhan COVID-19 narratives.
How does a materialist gain the right to combat misinformation from a Darwinian process?There’s a lot of talk about vaccines right now as medical researchers race to test one that works against SARS-CoV-2. Gayathri Vaidyanathan, speaking in a news feature in PNAS, is looking for another vaccine: “Finding a vaccine for misinformation.”It’s a worthy goal to combat lies. Vaidyanathan, a science writer who specializes in sustainability science, distinguishes between mis-information, which involves not knowing the truth, and dis-information, which involves the intentional spreading of falsehoods. In this age of rapid social media, both are certainly problems. Readers must be on guard everywhere.
I really hope you're read the rest of this at "Fact-Checking Requires Biblical Morality".