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Showing posts from December, 2024

Helping when the Light Grows Dim

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  On Christmas Eve 2024, I attended the evening church service. Scriptures read, songssung, sermon preached. The conclusion brought everything home to the attenders, as on the way in, we were given small candles with clear plastic cups as shields. The lights were dimmed and the pastor took his flame from the Advent candle. He then lit the candles of other people. It did not take long before the sanctuary had many glows, then we sang "Silent Night." But there was almost a problem. Candle at Christmas Eve service (cropped), Unsplash / Zac Cain Having a view from the balcony, I saw that someone below was having a problem. Her light was dimming and there would be no flame in just a few seconds. She was given help from the person next to her, and I saw an illustration of something that should be  a major part of every Christian's life. Centuries ago, I heard a sermon that exhorted Christians to be "need meters." Aside from the silly mental image...

Salvation, Repentance, and Works

The Bible makes it very clear that nobody can earn salvation, it is a gift of God. Otherwise, we would have to constantly strive to meet an unknown standard, never knowing when we have attained it — or how to keep it. Faith plus add-ons like baptism, praying to saints, following man-made rules of conduct, being a member of the "right" church — these are usually stumbling blocks. However, baptism is not a requirement for salvation, but an outward expression of obedience to Christ. But salvation and repentance are often used together in Scripture, which can be confusing. Young Man at Prayer , Hans Memling (1475) Unfortunately, there are some people who claim that if one believes in evolution, he is not saved. That cannot be supported by Scripture. However, believing in evolution raises questions about that person's understanding of and commitment to the Word of God, and understanding of actual science. The Bible uses repentance and salvation together quite often. To repent...

Theistic Evolution and the Folly of Two Worlds

Several times, whether in weblogs on on social(ist) media, reviews of spurious books and things have been presented that are useful in addition to what is being reviewed. In cases like the one featured below, the book is irrelevant and the rest of the article takes on theistic evolution (TE). As I have stated several times, I think most TEs profess to be Christians but are actually Deists. They show disdain for the Bible. A sanitized version of evolution is presented and its flaws are omitted. For some reason they want an atheistic philosophy to supercede Scriptural authority. Jesus statue facepalm, Pixabay /  Hans_Hofer A Timeline of Origins—Toward Better Integration of the Bible and Science by Michael Russell is something I don't want to waste my time with thanks to the review. Interestingly, Russell uses the Genesis Flood as the way God brought Noah from the other  world to this one. So, integrating the Bible and science means fiction presented as — what? Theology? Apparen...

Using Scripture to Interpret Scripture

A few months ago, I posted " Inner Knowledge of the Creator " on another site. Professing atheists often claim to "lack belief" that God exists because there is supposedly no evidence. Christians who play their game and let them judge the Creator of the universe to see if he is worthy of their  worship offer evidences. Those are rejected. Leaving the Word of God out of such a discussion is wrong — in fact, it is sinful. Not only is the evidence for God abundant (Rom. 1:18-23), they have an inner knowledge. Onteora Lake, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Everyone has what is called general revelation , knowledge about God available to everyone. We are also given special revelation . This is the written Word of God, which obviously goes deeper and shows us the way of salvation. The Bible is the final authority, not the opinions of scoffer and other nay-sayerks. It has been discussed here and elsewhere that to interpret Scripture (as well as refuting scoffers, compromiser...