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Showing posts with the label Egypt

Lack of Evidence, Lack of Faith

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A documentary movie called Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus by Timothy Mahoney has been causing quite a stir in Christian and secular circles. It has received praise from many Christian organizations, as well as creation science ministries such as Answers In Genesis and Creation Ministries International . You can buy it, or rent it online from places like Amazon. This is not a review, as I have not yet seen the movie or read the book. My purpose here is a mite different. I was listening to Derek Gilbert's interview of Mr. Mahoney on " A View from the Bunker ". From about the 2 minutes 40 seconds mark through 11 minutes, he gave background on what motivated him to do investigations and make the film. He went to a dig site in Egypt for Goshen, and it was the area of Rameses (but I don't know which Rameses he meant). He asked an archaeologist if anything had been found about the Israelites having been there, and  the answer was that nothing ...