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Showing posts from December, 2022

The Bible Teaches Recent Creation

No, the Bible does not explicitly state that the world was created on October 23, 4004 BC, nor does it give a number of years. That date is the result of calculations by Archbishop James Ussher , and many people believed it until secularists began to force millions of years into Scripture and call it mythology or allegory. What Ussher and others have done was to calculate the biblical chronogenealogies. This is not just a listing of "the begats" and making assumptions, since the writers were very precise. If you study on it, fairy tales, mythology, tall tales, or whatever are vague; the Bible has detailed accounts, times, places, and so on. God created the world, Pixabay / Alfons Schüler There are some people who believe that the world is closer to 10,000 years old, but that cannot be justified by claiming gaps in the genealogies. Even if they were correct, it is not possible to legitimately stretch the biblical timeframe that far. It is also pointless. The Bible teaches an a

Christmas and the Big Picture

At this writing, we are in the final days before Christmas 2022. From the condition of the formerly United States to other parts of the world, and even in the lives of individuals, some people are not feeling it. Put up the tree, watch some movies, buy presents. Depression is rampant at Christmas. We get focused on our obligations, our problems, our ailments. All those songs about feeling happy seem to make things worse for some of us. I reckon that the problem is not with Christmas (how can it be?), but with our focus. Bible and Christmas, Pixabay / congerdesign It's time to saddle up and ride to the top of the hill and get the big picture. The big stores, songs about "the most wonderful time of the year" (which are nonsensical outside certain latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere anyway), other trappings are add-ons or even corruptions of the true meaning of Christmas. It is far, far greater in its scope and impact than people can imagine, and prophesied back in Genesis!

Refuting an Atheist Assault on the Middle Ages

While this post would have been a good fit at one of my other weblogs, the content was in reference to the article featured in " Big Space, Little Planet, and God ." The article featured below has several things that echo my own experiences dealing with professing atheists. Those who read it may remember a previous article was about why God bothers with Earth — and with us. The author mentioned the Middle Ages, and an atheopath decided that he should write to Creation Ministries International and set them straight. It did not go well. Nativity. Birth of Jesus / Giotto di Bondone,  c.1304 - 1306 The first thing worth noting is that the complainant is avoiding the main point of the article and focusing on one area so he could make hay with it. This is something that is a bane of authors and people active on social(ist) media: We try to make a point, then someone zeroes in on something else and hijacks the discussion. Keep in mind that misotheists display traits of narcissism ,

Sharing the Gospel in Unfriendly Cultures

Sadly, many professing Christians will see that the subject is about evangelism and read very little, or skip it. People are dying and going to Hell, a place of unimaginable torment. Do you care? Jesus commanded his followers to share the gospel of God's love. Paul, Peter and others also emphasized it. Do you care? Evangelism is not just a job for the professionals, but all of us must be ready to share the gospel on some level. It can be done in groups or teams, but we must be able to do it by ourselves, which can be daunting. Outdoor conversation, Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez Others may laugh, get angry, ridicule us ("Atheists will say mean things about me!") — but what did Jesus endure for us, again? There are ministries to help equip Christians to share the gospel, and creation science ministries exist to help us remove stumbling blocks that others have regarding origins. Of course, it is vitally important for professing Christians to be more than just professing  Chr