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Showing posts from February, 2015

Creation Sunday — Why Do Anti-Creationists Scream So Loudly?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Today is Creation Sunday . It was created in response to misleading atheist Michael Zimmerman 's call to apostasy called the " Clergy Letter Project ". Creation Sunday is an effort to get Bible-believing Christians to take a stand for the truth, and to educate themselves on the importance of Genesis as well as how science supports creation and refutes evolution. Why is it that those owlhoots feel the need to slap leather with those of us who believe the Bible, to recruit compromisers, and to evangelize for atheism? You'd think that they'd be content to be "right" in their own eyes (Psalm 14:1) and their rejection of God, even though they know he exists (Romans 1:18-23). They insist that we're "wrong", but they have to protect "science" (fallaciously equivocating "evolution" with "science"), and are not content to leave us alone, nor show a modicum of respect for people who believ...