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Why Compromising on Long Ages Matters

Once again, I was woolgathering while riding. Out Folly Road, past Stinking Lake (not as bad as it sounds), and I decided to head on back. Of a sudden, I noticed a horse under a tree. Heading closer, I saw Lisa Myworries, the Winkie Guards supervisor at the Darwin Ranch sitting there. She beckoned me over and said she needed to talk. Although the Darwin Ranch up yonder by Deception Pass is infested with atheists, she believed in God. Recent creation in six days bothered her. Lisa wondered why biblical creationists have a problem with long ages. The idea of the early chapters of Genesis actually being allegorical or symbolizing long ages is understandable when coming from new Christians, sincerely-questioning unbelievers, and people who have not really thought about the ramifications before. When professing Christians who claim to believe the Bible try to force millions of years into Scripture and compromise with secular concepts, that's a very different matter. Lisa and I had a nic

Creation and the Identity of Jesus

If you ask around about the identity of Jesus, you will get a variety of answers. Some history deniers try to pretend he never existed, there are "atheist Christians" who use that title because they like some of the things he said, plus vague or even biblical answers. While it may be interesting to get opinions from coworkers or someone at the deli, it is best to go to the sources. The Bible has sections written by eyewitnesses. Church history by people who were not far removed from the events is often useful. Man kneeling and reading the Bible, Unsplash /  Ben White Jesus is God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. He was given and received worship, such as in John 20:28 when "doubting" Thomas exclaimed, "My Lord and my God!" (Note that Thomas didn't believe the Resurrection testimony of the others and wanted to touch the wounds himself. He made the above exclamation when Jesus appeared to him, but nowhere does it mention that he followed throug

Evil Reduced by the Creation Worldview

The way someone views the world includes ethics and morality, origins, expectations for the future, and more are contained in their worldviews. Christians who have a biblical worldview believe that it is true from the first verse and are supposed to live accordingly. A materialistic worldview (all that matters is matter, no God exists) does not have a consistent standard of morality . Fish-to-fool evolution is actually a religion to people with these beliefs, so if they cheat and steal, they are being consistent with their worldview. Man thinking by a lake at sunset, Pixabay /  StockSnap Materialists cannot be consistent in their beliefs, because they use logic (which is not material), and use logic in science — but science would be impossible without God ! An evolutionary worldview is prominent in leftist ideologies, past and present. Adherence to a biblical worldview (beginning in Genesis) reduces the evil that is brought by materialism. To read the article that inspired this post an

Rewriting the Creation Message Affects the Gospel

People may think that evolution is a subject for biologists to discuss and creation is for science-denying theologians and religious fanatics, but those are false characterizations. Origins permeates many areas of our lives. Worldviews determine how we process information. Evolution is materialistic. That is, it is based on the belief that all that exists is matter and there is no God or spirits. It uses gradual, trial-and-error processes over long periods of time. Death is the hero because creatures die so "better" ones can live. The Bible describes the creation of everything in six days — without evolution. Bear Ghat Kill erodes drive, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen When professing Christians try to combine creation and evolution through things like Theistic Evolution, they do violence to the gospel message. In addition, they are saying that they do not believe the Bible, that it does not mean what it says! Why should an unbeliever trust the Bible about salvation through fa

Backward Blessings?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  If someone says that becoming a Christian means life will be a happy road all the time, they are out of touch with reality. We have struggles like everybody else. (Christians who stand for the truth of God's Word often have additional problems.) There are times when inconveniences may actually be God at work on our behalf. There is a story circulating about a conversation between someone and God. Why did God allow such an annoying day to happen? Those annoyances were caused by him , but the person did not know it. Tires, Pixnio / Bicanski After suffering through the annoyance of a slow tire leak, I took the car to my wife's favorite service center. It took a while and cost over fifty  simoleons . Well, I am set up to go to an oral surgeon at Westchester Medical Center. It will be quick outpatient surgery, but under general anesthetic. That causes serious problems with transportation, but at least the leak problem is solved. It came back a few days later.

Hidden Dangers in Perfectionism

Someone may claim to be a perfectionist, and another might assume that the other simply wants to do things as correctly as possible. Sure, many people strive for excellence. However, perfectionism is quite often a trap. Perfectionists may obsess over their appearance, constantly adjust something unnecessarily that was fine already, and more. It can also stop people from even beginning something because they doubt that it will be perfect.* Consider the fact that "perfect" is often subjective. More than the physical and psychological aspects, perfectionism can be a spiritual hindrance. Imperfect blurred woods, photo by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Yes, the Bible tells us to "be perfect," but that is an inadequate translation. It is better rendered complete  or mature  in many instances — especially when the passages are used regarding our spiritual goals. A perfectionist may walk away from the Word of God and attempt to be spiritually or morally perfect by his own standard . T

Blocked from Reality

People who are involved in Christian apologetics ministries (especially biblical creationists) are often ridiculed by atheists as "reality deniers" or with similar epithets. Critics claim the intellectual high ground because they believe reality and Christians do not, but that is posturing — and unwarranted. Everyone has the same facts, but their worldviews dictate how facts are interpreted. When atheists claim that that material things are all that exist and that  is reality, those are just arbitrary assertions. They have no facts. People who believe the Bible can see that atheists are blocked from reality. Gate - You shall not pass, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Unfortunately, it is not just misotheists who are blocked. Many Christians are being harmed by the denial of the truth and authority of God's written Word. Evolution is a stumbling block for both believers and unbelievers, as people are told that particles-to-pastor evolution is a proven fact. (Indeed, evolutio

Near-Death Experiences, Materialists, and Christians

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  It seems that people began speaking freely about near-death experiences (NDEs) after the book Life After Life  by Raymond Moody was published in 1975. There are numerous books, documentaries, personal anecdotes and more about NDEs. The subject is also very controversial — especially among scientists. Many experiences are dismissed as the brain having hallucinations at the time of death, but certain experiences are not so easy to reject because of details reported. Most of the accounts of the great beyond are pleasant, but there are some about going to Hell. Climbing stairs to Heaven, Pixabay / Tumisu A large number of natural scientists are materialists — essentially, they are atheists because nothing exists to them except material things such as molecules and atoms. Some tried to find a place in the brain where consciousness or the soul resides (those that admit that such things exist, that is) or try to find other explanations that don't conflict with thei

Christians are Ambassadors

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Yes, it is a part of our job description, as found in 2 Corinthians 5:20. We are ambassadors for Christ, imploring others to be reconciled to God. As we can see, ambassador is an ancient title. Those people would represent the interests of their countries to rulers in other countries. Back in the old days, ambassadors were important dignitaries and accorded great respect. Although comedic, the Marx brothers Duck Soup  shows Rufus T. Firefly insulting the ambassador of Sylvania, which was considered an act of war. Ambassadors nowadays are less imposing, and numerous; there are many from and to the formerly United States. Cincinnatus Receiving the Ambassadors From Rome / Alexandre Cabanel, 1843 An ambassador can also be considered a representative. People are representatives of their employers, especially when in uniform. Two unfortunate examples come to mind. First, when I was hired into a job, the manager told me that someone committed a crime (possibly a liqu

David and Jonathan: Not Beyond Friendship

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are people who are so determined to force enthusiastic acceptance of LGTBQ+ lifestyles on everyone, they see references for it in the Bible that do not exist. The relationship between David and Jonathan is a favorite target of these people. Like making long ages for compromisers with secular science views, massive eisegesis is necessary to twist Scripture so that it indicates an erotic relationship between Jonathan and David. Interpreting the text and culture of their time with contemporary views exacerbates the problem. David and Jonathan / Rembrandt (1642) In my school days, boys would put their arms around each other's shoulders because we were "buddies." That faded from my experience and I did not see it again after we moved to another city. In the nineteenth century, men would hold hands or put their arms around each other. This showed affection and friendship , and was not tainted by suspicions of homosexuality. Indeed, I have affecti

Worldviews, Reason, and Assassins

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Whatever your opinion of Donald J. Trump, put it in the corral over yonder and you can pick it up in a few minutes. Something I keep emphasizing is the importance of worldviews . Everyone has a worldview , which is a collection of things assumed to be true, experience, values, convictions and so on that people use as a framework to understand life. Obviously, they also influence our thoughts, and those affect our conduct. Political parties are secular in nature. Some actively oppose the things of God and embrace things he hates (such as materialism, evolution, disdain for human life, abortion, and other sex-related beliefs), other parties have members who hold Christian worldviews.  Colorful crosshairs, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (geralt) Leftists in the Democrat party have been using violent talk for quite some time, demonizing Trump and saying he is a "threat" to our democracy. (No, it is a constitutional republic with democratic processes. Big differen

The Hebrew for BOTH Day and Eon?

For some reason, many professing Christians are determined to get long ages out of the first two chapters of Genesis. The word under fire is  yôm , which means literal day (or part of a day) when qualifiers are used, otherwise it can mean an indefinite  period of time. Why those people want to take the only word that can mean literal day and confuse the issue so they can have millions of years in Genesis is baffling. They take the rest of Genesis and the Old Testament at face value, relying on context, when  yôm is used. Bible and pathway, Unsplash /  Aaron Burden If God wanted to indicate long ages, there are other words available. Several popular efforts have been made to compromise with the enemies of God and make creation seem to be older than God's Word tells us. (Do they really  believe the Bible, or is it just for show?) These compromises include the " Gap Theory ," the " Framework Hypothesis ," theistic evolution, and others. One of the others is the po

Salvation Security, and that Hebrews Passage

There are two views on losing salvation: You can, or you cannot. The Arminian view generally affirms that loss of salvation is possible, but there are variations. Then the Reformed (Calvinist) view is that the doctrine of election settles it, the elect cannot lose their salvation. Some seem to believe that any unconfessed sin sends you to Hell (which is a very low view of the work of Jesus). That would cause fearful professing Christians. Another is that salvation can be lost by deliberate renunciation, but that downplays many verses to the contrary. Rail trail bridge, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Opponents of what is called eternal security  (or somewhat disparagingly as "once saved, always saved") do indeed have some Bible verses that may at first glance appear to indicate loss of salvation is possible. Those are usually take out of context, whether immediate (surrounding verses) or a greater context. Having come from an Arminian tradition and now accept eternal security,

A Biblical Worldview Begins in Genesis

A spell back, I emailed a pastor to enquire his stance on creation and Genesis. His reply was disheartening. I disremember what he said exactly, but he said he never really thought about it, and he thought maybe the Framework Hypothesis was his view of creation. He wrote it like someone choosing a hat for the day. Very foolish. A pastor who is so casual about the first book of the Bible should raise a red flag to any knowledgeable Christian. The Framework Hypothesis is an absurd attempt to compromise long ages with the Bible. Genesis, RGBStock /  Billy Frank Alexander People like this do not think things through, not realizing how their worldview affects their understanding of Scripture. One big question keeps cropping up in these situations: Why are so many Christians, especially pastors, determined to insert millions of years into Scripture? Another question is like it: Why do they give materialistic philosophies authority of the Bible that they claim to believe? The same enemies of

Lonely People and the Gospel

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  An expression that most people know bears repeating, that we do not know what is happening in the hearts and minds of people. In the 1976 ballad "I Never Cry", Alice Cooper (who became a Christian in the late 1980s) said, " I may be lonely, but I'm never alone ." It was about his struggles with alcoholism. That feeling of isolation can happen in a crowd as well as being physically alone. Sometimes loneliness can be overwhelming. Chuck Girard wrote " Plain ol' Joe " about a lonely person who ended his own life. People are complicated, where some want to be left alone, others are alone and want to let someone in. Yes, there are those who are masterful at putting on masks. The Lonely Ones , Edvard Munch, 1899 As people, do we show interest in others and try to connect beyond superficial levels? I'll allow it's not easy because there are so many that cross out paths. Many build walls which serve to keep others out but im

The Wife of Cain - an Animal?

One of the most popular "gotcha" questions from scoffers (the kind of question they presume cannot be answered properly) is, "Where did Cain get his wife?" There are people who are genuinely interested in the answer — including some Christians. Biblical creationists can provide an answer . There are professing Christians who may make nods at believing the Bible, but some of their beliefs are...truly bizarre. They spiritualize, allegorize, mythicize, excise, and do other things to Genesis to avoid believing what it plainly says. Now it is more like, " What was Cain's wife?" Neanderthal Woman, PLOS One / WikiComm (now deleted) / Bacon PCH ( CC BY 2.5 ), Modified at PhotoFunia People are so bamboozled by the perceived authority of science, they put those ever-changing secular views of history and origins above Scripture. Can't be seen as an evolution denier or people will say mean things about me. (Did you ever carry your cross through town, buddy?)

The Mystery of God the Holy Spirit

The doctrine of the Trinity is as confusing as it is mysterious. Christians believe in one God, but he is also three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are many articles and videos available online that discuss it, but we have to admit that this doctrine — vital to our salvation — is taken by faith. Some may find the Holy Spirit the most difficult. He descended on Jesus like a dove (Luke 3:22), but apparently does not take physical form, even in visions. Some folks adore him because he makes them feel ecstatic at times, but forget that he testifies of Jesus (John 15:26). Holy Spirit like a dove, Pixabay / jplenio Many professing Christians are so caught up in what they consider to be spiritual gifts that they are scripturally shallow, and lack knowledge about who the Spirit is and what he does. Some people think he speaks audibly to them, but such claims seem to be based on emotion (and, let's face it, charlatans making money). On the other hand, this child beli

The Stars and Biblical Truth

It is clearly seen in nature that God exists and is the Creator (Romans 1:20), and when we read the Bible, we see that its authors were well aware of his work in creation. Keep watch in your Bible reading for the many references to creation. Further, it is obvious that God likes beauty and order. Indeed, we are living in a world that was wrecked by the Genesis Flood, but it was designed to still  show beauty. When we look up yonder at the stars, we see beauty and order. A bit of astronomy reveals attributes of the Creator. ESA / Hubble & NASA,  Sarajedini  et al  (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secular scientists keep trying to throw God out of creation with their naturalistic philosophies, but those are incoherent. For that matter, the vaunted Big Bang is being doubted publicly by some scientists  and others admit that they don't understand much about it at all. The heavens show the glory of God, and each star has its own glory. The incomprehensible number

Prophecy, God, and the Future

Humans are a strange lot when it comes to knowledge of the future. Some say that nobody knows, others consult spirits, the stars, tarot cards, and other things. (Why the dead know about the future has not been adequately explained.) Some folks say nobody knows the future, but then use fortune tellers. It may be difficult to grasp that God is not subject to the same limitations that face us. He is the Creator of matter, energy, time, and space. A wrong theology called open theism  claims that God does not know the future. Time, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (geralt) To say that God does not know the future is to demonstrate lack of knowledge or even disbelief about the Bible. In it, he claims to know the future. We also have hundreds of prophecies that have been fulfilled — many of them are very specific. Further, there are prophecies about the end times that are yet to be fulfilled. God's knowledge of the future is important to us as Christians. In a fallen world filled with death, suffe

No Ultimate Truth, but You are Still Wrong

The philosophy du jour  is postmodernism , which is very nihilistic. Previously, modernism  held to the belief that truth could be found, but postmodernism essentially holds to the claim that there is no ultimate truth. Biblical creationists as well as all Christians are to be ready to share the gospel to anyone, but a person having a philosophy of hopelessness makes it a mite difficult. One reason is that the "no absolute truth" aspect is self-refuting, but people who hold to it do not grasp the absurdity. Postmodern (because I said so) photo taken by Cowboy Bob Sorensen and modified at PhotoSketcher Some people may think that postmodernism fits with atheism, but that is not exactly right. While postmodernism complements the skepticism that is so common in society, but atheism disqualifies itself because they believe they have ultimate truths. Effective evangelism with postmodernism as well as atheism and others needs the examination of a worldview for internal consistency.

Modern Pagans Worship the Earth Goddess

Names like Mother Earth  or Mother Nature  stem from worship of the goddess Gaia (or Terra), and radical environmentalists are enthusiastically participating. These acts of worship are entirely manufactured by leftists seeking political power and control. Reducing your "carbon footprint" and other things only exist in the imaginations of modern paganism. Indeed, any kind of idolatry is based on imagination and pretending a false deity has desires. It is interesting that Mother Earth must be appeased when she "righteously" uses acts of nature to kill many people, but many environmentalists hate God and blame him. Socha Gaia, Wikimedia Commons / V.odchazel ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) One excuse for denying God his rightful worship is that he makes too many demands, but the modern invention of Gaia is demanding and capricious. Aside from the fact that God made rules for his glory but also our benefit, he also wants us to be stewards of creation: Take care of the earth, subdue an

Bad Times on Good Friday

When Bible-believing Christians say that faith in Jesus is the only way to salvation, some people become indignant. They believe, without reason, that there are many roads. Such a thing is not possible. The Crucifixion of Jesus proves it. Reading one of the four Gospels, one may get the notion that circumstances and also the blunt words of Jesus came together to get him nailed to a cross. Those things and people who hated him were a part of it. However, the greater context takes us back to Genesis. Red and white neon cross, Unsplash / Rod Long Adam and Eve sinned against God, who is holy. He had no reason to do anything other than let us go on our self-destructive path. However, humanity earned  death because of sin, but God loved us even then, and offered the gift of life (Rom. 6:23, Gal. 2:28, John 1:12). There was only one way possible for all this to come together. It was a mystery, and if Satan understood, he and his minions would not have crucified Jesus (1 Cor. 2:7-8). Friday wa

The Gospel and — Clothing?

It takes a lifetime to master some parts of the Bible, but no human can fully understand all of it. In my own life, there are parts that I find desperately dull and have even asked the Lord why he preserved them. Sometimes a teacher will come along and make certain areas interesting. The main reason we wear clothing (aside from cold weather) is found in Genesis after Adam and Eve sinned. An area that is difficult to understand is the minute detail given to garments, especially in the Old Testament. These actually build on the themes of sin, covering, and eventual atonement. Clothes hanging, Pexels / mali maeder Intertwined with the passages on clothing you will often read about blood. Priestly garments had to be pure and unsoiled by blood, yet the blood of sacrifice makes them pure. Jump ahead to the New Testament, and see that we are told to "put on Christ" (Rom. 3:14) like a garment. There are many references to whiteness of clothing, because the blood of Christ purifies. T