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Evil Reduced by the Creation Worldview

The way someone views the world includes ethics and morality, origins, expectations for the future, and more are contained in their worldviews. Christians who have a biblical worldview believe that it is true from the first verse and are supposed to live accordingly.

A materialistic worldview (all that matters is matter, no God exists) does not have a consistent standard of morality. Fish-to-fool evolution is actually a religion to people with these beliefs, so if they cheat and steal, they are being consistent with their worldview.

Man thinking by a lake at sunset, Pixabay / StockSnap
Materialists cannot be consistent in their beliefs, because they use logic (which is not material), and use logic in science — but science would be impossible without God! An evolutionary worldview is prominent in leftist ideologies, past and present. Adherence to a biblical worldview (beginning in Genesis) reduces the evil that is brought by materialism.

To read the article that inspired this post and several interesting examples it contains, click on "Genesis Ideology Immunizes Against Evil."