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Science is Impossible Without God

Addendum added 2-17-2019

Many people despise the truth, some do not know it, but science is impossible without God. In the same way, evolution is also impossible. Find out why.

For Question Evolution Day, we are going to examine something that atheists and other anti-creationists loathe, and something of which many professing Christians are unaware. Some people claim that evolution is science, but this shows the paucity of their understanding of the nature of science. Simply put, evolution is not only opposed to actual science, but science is impossible in an atheistic worldview.


To be consistent, evolution is random, but its proponents want to perform science. If evolution were true, science would be impossible because the laws of logic, consistency of nature, and other things could not be consistent. Someone may object that they rely on their senses, but that is circular reasoning because they cannot know their senses are actually working; it could all be an illusion, false memories and all. Scientific predictions could not be made.

The Bible is true, God is the Creator, and he upholds all things. An atheist may get the bit in his teeth and jump the corral fence, saying, "I don't believe in God and I do science stuff anyway!" Yes, unbelievers can conduct scientific research and make predictions, but their rejection of God does not make any difference. The fact that God is real, making the laws of logic and nature possible is not negated by unbelief. It is akin to someone saying he doesn't believe in oxygen while using it.
Evolution is fundamentally incompatible with the scientific method.  That is, if neo-Darwinian evolution is true, then there would be no rational basis for trusting in scientific procedures.  Conversely, if science is a reliable tool for understanding how the universe works, then particles-to-people evolution cannot be true.  Here is why:
To read the rest of the article, click on "Evolution vs. Science". I recommend that you bookmark it or even save a copy to your ebook reader because it's worth reading a few times.

ADDENDUM: Dr. Lisle posted feedback where an angry atheist attacked the post and Dr. Lisle himself. The atheopath has the focus of a ball bearing in a blender, and did not have anything rational to say. To read this, click on "Is Genesis Historic and Reliable?"