by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
In the lead-up to Question Evolution Day, I posted and promoted "Taking a Stand for Biblical Creation", which garnered a prairie schooner-full of comments. Normally, that Fazebook Page is not intended for debate, but I let them go for a spell. Nobody that I saw gave any comments about the content of the article that was featured.
Naturally, we had atheopaths and other anti-creationists show up to tell us how st00pid we are because atheism, because evolution. Obstreperous trolls get banned, but some seemed to want actual discussion. At first.
I have to mention that it become very difficult to keep track of the comments and respond to them, and we have to track them down when informed, "Horatio Hornblower replied to your comment..." (This is especially difficult when I'm checking during breaks at the workplace, but not much better at home on the big computer.) I tried, though. Unfortunately, the notifications seldom go directly to the comments like they used to.
Those of us who use presuppositional apologetics begin with the truth of the Word of God, our Creator, and naturalists don't want anything to do with him. One aspect of this method is to do an internal critique of the unbeliever's worldview, and they get burrs under their saddles when we show that they are inconsistent and the failings of their logic. They have their faith in materialism and evolution, and are hardcore presuppositionalists themselves.
We also have to be prepared in our apologetic to show that the Bible is the foundation for logic, wisdom, and science itself. Unfortunately, some of the theists were commending themselves on their intellectual development, or congratulating unbelievers on some aspects of their worldview. They would also give stock answers for reasons to believe that God exists. From the content, I lack belief that some of these theists have saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Brethren, these things ought not to be!
In some cases, I was able to picture people sitting in the drawing room with cigars, wearing smoking jackets while they intellectualized and made the discussion very clinical. This is not a game. While we can and should provide some evidences in a presuppositional framework (none of that "neutral ground" nonsense) which may remove some stumbling blocks that are in the minds of some people, we cannot make others comfortable in their rebellion against God! I'm am not saying to use the Sword of the Spirit as a club, but we cannot divorce faith and reason.
One Christian responded by pointing out the inconsistency in an atheist's position, and received a lie in response, followed by, "How very Christian of you". The Christian did show some of the problems in the atheist's worldview. (I was going to add to it, but another Admin decided that some of these recalcitrant atheists had run amok long enough and banned some. I was getting very close to doing that myself.) The atheist wanted to hold Christians to our standards in his concept of Christianity. How Saul Alinsky of him! And, uh, to what ultimate moral standard do you live up to, Mighty Atheist™? None. His worldview is incoherent.
Discussions are useful, and I'll allow that they can be difficult on social media. However, we must remember that people are going to Hell if we do not tell them about Jesus. Savvy that? Many Christians know the middle part of 1 Peter 3:15, "...always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you..." but neglect the first part, "Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts". God is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, and we must keep in mind both love and their eternal destiny. You do want to meet them in Heaven, don't you?
In the lead-up to Question Evolution Day, I posted and promoted "Taking a Stand for Biblical Creation", which garnered a prairie schooner-full of comments. Normally, that Fazebook Page is not intended for debate, but I let them go for a spell. Nobody that I saw gave any comments about the content of the article that was featured.
Credit: Openclipart |
I have to mention that it become very difficult to keep track of the comments and respond to them, and we have to track them down when informed, "Horatio Hornblower replied to your comment..." (This is especially difficult when I'm checking during breaks at the workplace, but not much better at home on the big computer.) I tried, though. Unfortunately, the notifications seldom go directly to the comments like they used to.
Those of us who use presuppositional apologetics begin with the truth of the Word of God, our Creator, and naturalists don't want anything to do with him. One aspect of this method is to do an internal critique of the unbeliever's worldview, and they get burrs under their saddles when we show that they are inconsistent and the failings of their logic. They have their faith in materialism and evolution, and are hardcore presuppositionalists themselves.
We also have to be prepared in our apologetic to show that the Bible is the foundation for logic, wisdom, and science itself. Unfortunately, some of the theists were commending themselves on their intellectual development, or congratulating unbelievers on some aspects of their worldview. They would also give stock answers for reasons to believe that God exists. From the content, I lack belief that some of these theists have saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Brethren, these things ought not to be!
In some cases, I was able to picture people sitting in the drawing room with cigars, wearing smoking jackets while they intellectualized and made the discussion very clinical. This is not a game. While we can and should provide some evidences in a presuppositional framework (none of that "neutral ground" nonsense) which may remove some stumbling blocks that are in the minds of some people, we cannot make others comfortable in their rebellion against God! I'm am not saying to use the Sword of the Spirit as a club, but we cannot divorce faith and reason.
One Christian responded by pointing out the inconsistency in an atheist's position, and received a lie in response, followed by, "How very Christian of you". The Christian did show some of the problems in the atheist's worldview. (I was going to add to it, but another Admin decided that some of these recalcitrant atheists had run amok long enough and banned some. I was getting very close to doing that myself.) The atheist wanted to hold Christians to our standards in his concept of Christianity. How Saul Alinsky of him! And, uh, to what ultimate moral standard do you live up to, Mighty Atheist™? None. His worldview is incoherent.
Discussions are useful, and I'll allow that they can be difficult on social media. However, we must remember that people are going to Hell if we do not tell them about Jesus. Savvy that? Many Christians know the middle part of 1 Peter 3:15, "...always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you..." but neglect the first part, "Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts". God is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, and we must keep in mind both love and their eternal destiny. You do want to meet them in Heaven, don't you?