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Showing posts from February, 2013

Saturday Resource: Video — How DNA Destroys Evolution

Do we really think that an hour in church and an hour in Sunday School is going to equip us to present and defend our faith? Are we really surprised that our kids are being deceived when they're under the control of secular humanists for several hours each day? Mike Riddle discusses the importance of DNA and information in refuting evolution, and also the importance of a proper understanding of creation. The answers are there, and Christians should be learning as well as teaching the children.

Evolution and the Inerrancy of Scripture

For Question Evolution Day, the link between evolution and the inerrancy of Scripture is explored. People who know their Bible and have a good understanding of doctrine know that evolution and creation are irreconcilable. Theistic evolution, the "Gap Theory", "Progressive Creation" and other compromises require eisegesis (reading into the Scriptures). People who do this elevate man's "wisdom" above that of God's revelation. That is ridiculous (1 Cor. 1.20, Psalm 14.1-3). Why would anyone want to add philosophies and interpretations of evidence that are based on atheism? And yet, the inerrancy of Scripture is of paramount importance to a proper understanding of the Bible. What is your ultimate standard? Is it God's Word, or the ever-changing whims of man-made science philosophies? For the purposes of this article, only inerrancy of Scripture of the five fundamentals will be discussed.  The attacks on inerrancy, beginning in Genesis 1, brought ...

Evolution, Compromise and Foundations

It is more important than ever for Bible-believing Christian churches to take a stand for the truth. When compromise sets in, it begins a domino effect that leads to further compromise and even to unbelief. Liberal churches and atheists are attacking us at our foundations, which begin at Genesis . Further, they appeal to emotion with loaded terminology and the false dichotomy that people must choose either faith or "science". This is a lie . (I have written before that even if we gave up the creation accounts, that would not be enough for liberals and atheists.) The church is in serious trouble, and people's faith is threatened because they do not see the relevance of their foundations, and do not bother to discover that there are indeed answers to those science philosophy questions. This weekend, atheist Dr. Michael Zimmerman is once again encouraging churches to preach Darwin from their pulpits. He claims that his Clergy Letter Project, signed by over 12,0...