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Can You Be a Christian and Still Believe in Evolution?

Short answer: Yes , you can be a Christian and believe in evolu tion. It is not a require ment for s alvat ion, and I know of no creationist organization that says otherwise. Long answer: Still yes, but it shows lack of commitment to the authority of God's Word because you're elevating man's "wisdom" above it. It also shows lack of knowledge about the theological implications of what such compromise entails. Then you have to make some choices. I have encountered several people who were old Earth creationists or theistic evolutionists. After they became fully committed to Christ and grew in the Word, they became biblical creationists. Until then, are they unsaved? As CMI has often stated, we regard evolution as contrary to Scripture, but Christians can still be saved despite believing in it (see related articles, below). Indeed, its founding chairman, the late Prof. John Rendle-Short, said he was a saved theistic evolutionist for 40 years before becoming a

Do Christians Have Blind Faith?

This article has a different kind of beginning. I received a detailed question from a friend of mine. Some of this material had been in the back of my mind already, and his question set off a mental cascade. We often accuse the other side of blind faith because they believe things that they know contradict the laws of nature. However, there are times that I wonder if we are guilty of it as well. Furthermore, there have also been times where we have had to exercise faith when the evolution side turned up a piece of evidence that at first appeared to contradict the Bible. (For example, when they pointed out antibiotic resistance and nylon-eating bacteria.) I've had to have faith that either an alternative interpretation would develop or that the piece of evidence would be refuted. We were proven right eventually, but nonetheless, we had to have faith in order to do so. There are times that I wonder: are we practicing blind faith when we do this? It took 41 years before Piltdown Man

Forty Years of Abortion "Rights" in America

This is the fortieth anniversary of the infamous " Roe v Wade " abortion decision in the United States. (Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe") turned around and became a pro-life supporter.) And yet, under the pretense of "women's rights", the killing of the unborn has become a political, emotional and moral controversy, a rude gesture in the face of the sanctity of life. It is also highly profitable for abortion mills, and Planned Parenthood also receives tax dollars . Tuesday, January 22, will mark 40 years since the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its 7-2 decision in the Roe v. Wade case, in which state laws prohibiting abortions were declared unconstitutional based on an alleged right to privacy in the due process clause of the 14th Amendment. Since that fateful day, over 54 million babies in the U.S. have been legally murdered through surgical abortions—and many more through other means such as abortifacient drugs. Various liberal gr

Why Should We Study Creation?

The Rev. Dr. David P. Murray of Reformation International Theological Seminary brings his expertise to the study of the creation account in Genesis. His message on "Why Study Creation" is available at SermonAudio . It is well worth your time. You can listen to it from the page, or download it. Note that if you click on "Download MP3", you are taken to a sign-up screen. If you do not wish to sign up, click "Maybe Later" and your download starts immediately.

Christmas and Genesis — What's the Connection?

Hope you are having a great Christmas, and taking time to reflect on the true meaning. If the festivities have quieted down and you want to take some time to think on these things, I have two items for your consideration. Many of us know that Jesus is the Creator of the universe (John 1.3, Col. 1.16-18) and can be overwhelmed that God cares about his creation (Psalm 8.4, Psalm 19.1, Luke 2.11). But there is more to it than this. Did you know that mixing evolution and "deep time" do violence with the gospel message itself? Two help increase your understanding, please see  this article, "Christmas and Genesis" .    

Video: Dinosaurs and the Bible

A short video discussing dinosaurs and the Bible. Several basic questions are answered. Some people might be surprised to find out that the fossil record is actually a friend of the Bible! I hope this encourages people to check out creationist sites and find out more. Piltdown Superman (this site points to other biblical creationist sites) Institute for Creation Research Creation Ministries International Answers in Genesis Apologetics Press

Noah's Flood and the New Testament

For some reason, people want to add to God's Word so they can justify their belief in an old Earth. There is nothing in Scripture that justifies such a position, but some people want it anyway. Why? What value is there in accepting atheistic interpretations of ever-changing origins science? Old-Earthers cannot have a global flood because it explains geology and the fossil record far better than uniformitarian geology, and points to a young Earth. If the Earth is not billions of years old, evolution cannot happen. (Actually, given an infinite amount of time, evolution still cannot happen.) You can find out more about the science aspects of the global flood at Piltdown Superman . But if old-Earth advocates, including theistic evolutionists, proponents of the mostly-abandoned "Gap Theory", "Progressive" Creationists, Day-Age Theorists and others have some serious problems when they compromise on the plain words of Scripture. Ultimately, they are calling Pet

The Spirit of the Thing

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Decades ago, I thought that I could use occult methods and still be a Bible-believing Christian. My mental image was almost comic book, where I would be using "good" magic against the forces of evil, complete with eerie glows and bolts of force emitting from my hands (Amos 3.3 NKJV). (If this had happened in modern times, I would probably have had a Harry Potter image of myself.) I had several errors going on in my naïve mind. One error was basic wishful thinking; I wanted certain things to be true, despite the Bible's admonitions against magic and occult practices (Deut. 18.9-12a, Isaiah 9.19-20, Jer. 27.9-10). There was no distinction between "white" and "black" magic, all was forbidden and condemned. I justified my opinions because I believed that the Old Testament does not apply to Christians. Of course, I ignored the fact that those warnings were there for a deeper reason that to just keep Israel separate from

Saturday Resource: Logic, Atheism, the Gospel and More

This edition touches on several topics, including evolution, the importan ce of Genesis, atheism and logic. But more importantly, it dealt with how Christians should present the gospel message, and what kind of foundation we should have. Sunday, October 14, 2012 was an interesting day for me. I was invited ("invited" as in, "hounded the guys until they gave in") to be on the "Evidence 4 Faith" radio show/podcast . Host Keith Kendrix was away, and Kirk Hastings was filling in. It was my first live guest spot on a radio show, not including call-in shows. (Before that, I was involved in a three-part   podcast for Theopologetics , but that was recorded and not a live broadc ast .) I was hesitant a few times, not wanting to steamroll over Kirk — it's not my  show. And I had a dry throat problem on occasion. Perchance they wish to have me on again, there are some items that I would like to expand upon. The next time should be better. If you find this m

But So Many Scientists Believe Evolution!

Source unknown, found on Facebook, click for larger  Two "arguments" have the same problem. First, "Most scientists believe evolution". Second, "Most modern Christians do not accept the first eleven chapters of Genesis as actual history". Those are the ad populum fallacy , where people will accept something as true because many people believe it. In addition, we also have the appeal to authority fallacy ("scientists believe"). While it is valid to cite an authority on a topic, people make mistakes. Especially when appealing to authority and majority instead of using reason. Still, it is puzzling. So many people believe something that is contrary to God's Word. Why is that? Well, why do you think? "Science" is practically worshiped by many people, and is used as an excuse to ignore or even replace God. If scientists say something, well, we had better accept what they say, yes? No. For one thing, scientific conclusions, procedures