For some reason, people want to add to God's Word so they can justify their belief in an old Earth. There is nothing in Scripture that justifies such a position, but some people want it anyway. Why? What value is there in accepting atheistic interpretations of ever-changing origins science?
Old-Earthers cannot have a global flood because it explains geology and the fossil record far better than uniformitarian geology, and points to a young Earth. If the Earth is not billions of years old, evolution cannot happen. (Actually, given an infinite amount of time, evolution still cannot happen.) You can find out more about the science aspects of the global flood at Piltdown Superman.
But if old-Earth advocates, including theistic evolutionists, proponents of the mostly-abandoned "Gap Theory", "Progressive" Creationists, Day-Age Theorists and others have some serious problems when they compromise on the plain words of Scripture. Ultimately, they are calling Peter, Paul, Jesus and others liars!
Many Bible skeptics regard Genesis 1–11 as mythical, copied from Enuma Elish, the Epic of Gilgamesh, and other such ancient writings—so not only is it a primitive myth, it’s not a particularly original one, in their view. We’ve often written about the characteristics of Genesis that show it claims to record history.
Sadly many believers have bought into these interpretations, but as Christians, aren’t we supposed to believe what Jesus did? And it’s easy to extend that to believing what the apostles that He appointed and inspired by the Holy Spirit to author Scripture believed as well. If Christians don’t believe the Bible, in what sense are they ‘Christ followers’? So let’s look at what Jesus believed and what the New Testament tells us about the circumstances surrounding Noah’s Flood.You can read the rest of "The global flood—according to the New Testament", here.