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Showing posts from May, 2014

Pain, Disappointment and Apostasy

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In a post somewhere, I made a remark in the introduction, " Personal tragedy does not ruin your faith if you stay close to God. The 'problem of pain' is something that evolutionists and atheists cannot answer, but we know that Genesis is the foundation of all major Christian doctrines. Death entered the world through Adam's sin", and I quoted Romans 5.12. (More about the article itself later.) Used by permission of Ken Amm i Naturally, some atheo-fascists decided to attack a part of my introduction and ignore the actual article: "You make a living out of giving dumb comments? Pain evolved so creatures wouldn't hurt themselves more by not feeling they're "damaged". Stop dumb commenting!" "...the purpose of the post seemed to be that evolution couldn't explain pain, now as you know pain is covered in evolution as it is a development of the sensory organs and nervous ...

What Are You Putting In Your Head?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although this article is written for Christians, other people should be able to get useful information out of it as well.  There are Christians who complain that their walk with God is severely lacking. We cannot base our faith (or worse, base our assurance of salvation) on how we feel, but perhaps we're getting a spiritual nudge to examine ourselves. It amazes me how in conversations, on social media and so on, I encounter people who have indicated that they are Christians but have — uh, interests — that are opposite to those that a Spirit-led Christian should be indulging in. Now wait, I'm not going to get legalistic like some Fundamentalists I've known and give you a list of "approved" activities. (I'm listening to secular instrumental music while I write this.) What I am going to do is give you some things for your prayerful consideration. Not being a fan of the highly subjective "What Would Jesus Do?" movement,...

Trust, Confidence and the Ripple Effect

Christians have confidence in God's power for salvation. God is trustworthy because of who he is. Sometimes we have some difficulty trusting in him because we usually cannot see what he is doing, but that improves as our faith grows and we have more experience in our walk with him. Humans are another matter, as trust has to be earned. We often start out small and see if our trust in someone is justified, and then build from there. Unfortunately, trust can be easily shaken or even destroyed. When someone does something to shake our confidence in them and our trust level, it can have a ripple effect, influencing other areas of our relationship with that person. Especially if someone is a respected teacher or apologist. freeimages / Vjeran Lisjak Simple Matters There are nonessentials that some of us prefer, such as eschatology, continuance or cessation of the sign gifts of the Spirit,  pedobaptism, predestination and other doctrines. We can disagree on these without breaki...