by Cowboy Bob Sorensen If you scroll through those religious channels on your television, you'll have the disappointing experience of finding quite a few " Word of Faith " heretics (I was into that movement myself for a while, years ago) but precious little in the way of solid biblical teaching. One of the more notorious of those blab-it-n-grab-it preachers is Creflo Dollar. He made big news when he said he wanted a $65,000,000 USD Gulfstream G650 jet . Naturally, there was a huge outcry, and the campaign was shut down . Here's the part that nobody else will tell you, it's been our secret, but now it's time to let you in on it. God put a burr under my saddle by giving me a direct revelation. He spoke to me, saying, "You have two of those jets at The Question Evolution Project . Give him one, and watch me bless you!" Well, we do have a second one that we're not even using, it's on an airstrip at our secret second headquarters, near the
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