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Showing posts with the label Aliens

Video Miniseries: UFOs, Aliens, and Genesis

There is a four-part miniseries by biblical creationist Ian Juby that originally aired on the Miracle Channel in North Texas — I mean, Canada — and when it became available on his Wazooloo YouTube channel, I shared the episodes on The Question Evolution Project . The episodes are about half an hour each, so I wanted to do this post and make the links convenient. Title added to a screenshot from one of the videos. Used without permission. For a long time, flying saucers or unidentified flying objects were considered the stuff of someone who was crazy as a loon. While there were legends of aerial phenomena long ago, it took off (heh!) in about the 1950s. While some were hoaxes, mistakes, and occasional insanity, not all can be easily dismissed. Reporter and radio announcer commenced to doing some investigating, and I remember reading his 1966 book Flying Saucers — Serious Business  (which  Amazon is disingenuously marketing as a 2017 publication , fifty years after Edwards died). In th

Astral Beings and Aliens

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Years ago, I had a fascination for occult-related things. Even though I was a Christian (albeit with a weak theological foundation), I studied and thought I could do a "white magic" thing and be a force for good, or something like that. I never had an out-of-the-body experience, saw a ghost, encountered a UFO, or anything like that. God delivered me from occult involvement , but my studies from a Christian worldview have been beneficial at times. This is a very broad topic, and scores of books have been written on it. I have to confine myself to a few comments on some of these subjects. Credit: Pixabay / Karen Smits Every once in a while, I have some odd coincidences happen in my life. Sometimes I think God is trying to get my attention. In this case, I had recently written and posted my review of the movie Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception . The movie makes a very strong case (using science, theology, and more) that personal encounters

Aliens, Evolution, and the Bible

Right from the get-go, I want to make some things clear. I believe in UFOs in the real sense, but reject the concept that they are piloted by beings from space or a parallel universe for both scientific and theological reasons. Also, the belief that extraterrestrials exist does not make someone foolish or an unregenerate heretic. There are Bible-believing Christians who believe that God created aliens; I disagree with them, but it's not a hill to die on, you savvy? Some of us who disbelieve in ETs still like a rollicking science fiction show now and then, too. Note that these discussions ate usually about intelligent life, not about space bugs ot other unintelligent life. Evolutionists would sat that any life forms evolved. Although we're getting ahead of ourselves since no alien life has been found, their evolution would need evidence, not assumptions.   Credit: / dan Aliens are a staple of popular culture nowadays, appearing in fiction

Alien Messages and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The topic of aliens from outer space can make as much sense as a cattle stampede. Many people believe that there are extraterrestrial visitors who traveled amazingly vast distances through impossible-to-survive conditions in outer space to visit us. What for, just to say "Howdy?" Others reject space aliens as products of imagination, psychotic episodes, mistakes, or are faked. Then you hear about how UFOs are secret government flying machines. See? Orderly as a stampede. To dismiss UFOs and aliens outright is to impugn the integrity of many respectable people. Something  happened to various people, and others did  see something in the sky. By my cogitations, those space ships are probably military aircraft — and something sinister as well. Those visitations by extraterrestrials? They're not from outer space. If ET says he's from out there, he's lying. Having reluctantly abandoned my belief that we are visited by space strangers, I