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Showing posts from January, 2024

Your Truth, My Truth, and a Witch at Davos

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Centuries ago, I was talking with someone and offered to present the gospel message. He declined, adding something to the effect of being glad I found something that works for me. Nowadays he might have said that I have my  truth but he had to find his  truth. A few months ago, I was hit with a surprise triple-bypass open-heart surgery. Then my beloved Charlene suddenly died a month later. This led to me having telephone counseling with several people. Some have said that "the universe" sends me signals or watches out for me and some made comments that resemble "your truth," which they did not seem to share. Witches Sabbath , Francisco Goya, 1789 You see what people mean by those statements, don't you? That there is no absolute truth, only what someone wants to accept. There are some ways individual truth exists on a lower level. I have to do laundry or have supper in whatever way is best for me. Not many truths to consider, just personal...

The Reality of Leviathan

The identities of two critters in the biblical book of Job, behemoth and leviathan, cause a passel of speculation and debate. Biblical creationists point out that the detailed descriptions do not match anything living today, and compromise into evolutionary thinking has many church folks rejecting the probability that the Bible mentions dinosaurs. No, not by that word because Richard Owen did not coin it until 1842. As we have seen through history and archaeology, the Bible has been vindicated over and over. Mosasaurus trading card There are several candidates for the identity of leviathan including a crocodilian, pliosaur, and a mosasaurus. The contention is not that those animals existed, but that humans lived at the same time as they did. Worse for deep time thinking, there are fossils all over the world that had to have been buried rapidly in the Genesis Flood. No, this is not about the Loch Ness Monster. It’s not about any other claims of living creatures that resemble dinosaurs....

God Had Reasons for Creating in Six Days

Upon reading the Epic of Gilgamesh , one quickly realizes that the gods and goddesses are petty and childish . It is much the same way in mythologies as well. Allegedly divine beings can do what they will, and meddle in human affairs as if people their playthings. Creation myths are downright silly. Contrast them with the Bible, which has specifics such as matter, energy, time, and space in Genesis 1:1. Readers learn there are acts of creation for each of the six days, and then God rested (ceased that act of creation) on the seventh. Sunrise over the Pacific, International Space Station, June 20, 2023 / NASA But why six days? Myths have things pop into existence, or in the cosmic evolution myth, it takes billions of years. (Those who insist on long ages and not literal days have to contend with Exodus 20:11, 31:17 as well as other areas in the Bible.) While God is not confined to space and time, he is still very much with us — which is one reason for the six days of creation. Some peop...

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion versus the Bible

There are many ideas that seem good, even biblical, on the surface but are actually carriers of insidious ideas. Taking care of the environment is actually a biblical concept , but is a Trojan Horse for Marxism and other views. People may say something that is agreeable but mean something else. Years ago, I expressed disdain for New Year's resolutions. Then I was asked, "Are you against setting goals?" She had a belief and made me into a villain for not thinking her way. Examine wording on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Hands of diverse group, Pexels / fauxels Years ago, people were excluded from services, employment, and basic human dignity because of ethnicities and other things. Things have changed. For example, now we see signs and training modules in our jobs that stress how The Company values diversity and will not discriminate. (Of course, their policy also echoes the law, so they are not exactly heroes in this.) I work with people who have religious views and l...

Looking at the Future Me?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Many people know the truism about being good to other people, you do not know what they may be going through. (That helps curb judgmental attitudes.) I hope that people will be considerate because of my apparently stupid actions because of bereavement. Holding the two items I needed, I stood in the line for the self checkout. There was an old man at one of them who was moving mighty slow. I passed up a chance to move to a line with a cashier. He  had  to be done in a minute, right? Not hardly! Self checkout, Flickr / pin add ( CC by 2.0 ) (modified with FotoSketcher ) As I gaped in frustration, I had time to think. It struck me that this could be me in twenty years. Would I be moving so slowly? Mayhaps it was from pain, lethargy, or something else. Was he a widower like myself? If so, had come to terms with his loss? When a kiosk opened up for me, I got through it quickly enough but I think he was still there when I left. Expressing irritation at ...