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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion versus the Bible

There are many ideas that seem good, even biblical, on the surface but are actually carriers of insidious ideas. Taking care of the environment is actually a biblical concept, but is a Trojan Horse for Marxism and other views.

People may say something that is agreeable but mean something else. Years ago, I expressed disdain for New Year's resolutions. Then I was asked, "Are you against setting goals?" She had a belief and made me into a villain for not thinking her way. Examine wording on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Hands of diverse group, Pexels / fauxels
Years ago, people were excluded from services, employment, and basic human dignity because of ethnicities and other things. Things have changed. For example, now we see signs and training modules in our jobs that stress how The Company values diversity and will not discriminate. (Of course, their policy also echoes the law, so they are not exactly heroes in this.) I work with people who have religious views and lifestyle choices that are antithetical to my own, but we don't discuss those and continue with the tasks at hand.

Interesting that companies say that they understand and value diversity, but many expect their employees to think alike. But never mind about that now.

On the surface, diversity, equity, and inclusion sounds like a plan for peace, love, and grooviness. It is nothing of the kind. Digging deeper, we learn that it is antagonistic toward the Bible — and those of us who believe it. Christians are expected to compromise our values. Ironically, many Christians (especially biblical creationists) believe that there are ethnicities, but there is only one race. We're bad people if we don't do things the DEI way. And that way is another means of smuggling in Marxism.

Everywhere we turn, we see the words “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI). Even major Christian institutions have DEI offices or statements.1 In recent years, we have seen an influx of churches trying to become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. The argument usually goes something like this: we need to be more representative of our community, or we just need to reach underprivileged people, or we just need to love our neighbor. It is important to apply scriptural principles to these issues and understand what the words themselves mean when they are used.

You would do well to finish reading at "A Biblical Evaluation of DEI."