by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Many people know the truism about being good to other people, you do not know what they may be going through. (That helps curb judgmental attitudes.) I hope that people will be considerate because of my apparently stupid actions because of bereavement.
Holding the two items I needed, I stood in the line for the self checkout. There was an old man at one of them who was moving mighty slow. I passed up a chance to move to a line with a cashier. He had to be done in a minute, right? Not hardly!
Self checkout, Flickr / pin add (CC by 2.0) (modified with FotoSketcher) |
Expressing irritation at people like that can serve no purpose except to make the one doing the expressing look like a jerk. Also, God doesn't like it. The old man was created in the Imago Dei. Whatever his issue was, it was the result of living in a fallen, sinful world. Like my issues.