by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is a follow-up of sorts to my previous article, " Challenges for Christians ". It follows the same trail and then branches off onto a slightly new one. There are Christians who complain that their spiritual lives are not what they should be. Worse, when attacked by atheists and evolutionists with various "Gotcha!" challenges, they don't know what to say. Well, don't blame God, Pilgrim. What are you putting in your mind? Image credit: Pixabay / johnhain When looking at "Likes", posts, "Tweets" and so forth from friends and followers, I see a mixed bag. Sometimes I wonder if they consider themselves Christians and creationists because they like certain Pages and sites, have watched a couple of Bible-oriented movies, share a funny captioned picture (take that, evolutionists, I really showed you, ha ha ha), read the blasphemous book The Shack and the admittedly fake Heaven is for Real, the discredited
Articles and links on biblical creation, evangelism, the Bible and apologetics.